(Incorrect Quotes) FTO and OoO

878 33 16

Fandom: OoO and FTO

Ship: Yes

Type: Incorrect Quotes

Warnings: Swear Warning.



Lychee:I'm the smartest, most skilled person in all of Camp Oasis!

Davis:.. Is your hand stuck in that Candy Machine..?

Lychee: I paid for my Skittles, I'm getting my Skittles.

Riccaro: If watermelons exists, why don't earthmelons, firemelons, and airmelons?

Solis: The elemelons.

Lychee: But everything changed when the firemelons attacked.

Jyles: Hey Xylo, are you a painting?

Xylo:..... No?

Jyles: Because, I'd like to nail you against the wall.


Bryan: Oh, thank Gods! I thought you were going to say that you wanted to hang him!

Davis: Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit.

Xylo: Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

Riccaro: Philosophy is wondering whether that makes ketchup a smoothie

Lychee: Common sense is knowing that Ketchup isn't a fucking smoothie.

Cal:... Are you guys okay..?

Bryan: You were drunk last night.

Jyles: No I wasn't

Bryan: You started cutting pineapples at 3am while yelling "Stop hiding Spongebob! I know you are in there!"


Jyles: But did I find him tho?

Brandeen: You only attract what you fear.

Bryan: omg i'm so scared of 10 billion dollars

Cal: What is one thing I told you not to do?

Riccaro: Burn the house down.

Cal: And what did you do?

Riccaro: Made you dinner.




Riccaro:... And burnt the house down..

Bryan, cuddling Inpu: I love dogs so much they make me so soft an-

River, from the distance: Woof


River: Cuddle me

Davis: Here's a list of suspects I've put together so far.

Cal: Davis, your name's on this list..

Davis: I don't remember where I was last friday night, Cal. Therefore, I have no alibi. I've been tailing myself for the last three nights.

Davis: I've got to get something off my chest.

Bryan: Is it your shirt? Please say yes.

Nero: My gender is anger and my pronouns are fuck off and screw you


Abraham: You should not have come here, boy. Why are you in my base?

Lucas: I was on my way to the kitchen for a snack and I got lost.

Abraham: You ended up in a secret villain hideout on your way to the kitchen?

Lucas: I am not a clever man.

Michael: So, how have you been?

Brandon and Ritchie: Oh, good- expect for this one headache. It comes and goes

David walks into the room

Brandon and Ritchie: Oh look, there it is again.

Jericho: Hey handsome, what are you up to?

Mori: Eating cereal in bed

Jericho: And what would you be doing if I was in bed with you?

Mori:... I would still be eating my cereal?

Marshie: That's a pretty rock

Jericho: Mori gave it to me

Mori: I threw it at you

Jericho: He's very sweet

Ritchie: Okay. I'll take the ones on the right, you take the ones on the left.

Lucas: But there's twice as many on the left.

Ritchie: I know, I can count.

Brandon/Ritchie: What did I tell you about lying?

David, sadly: It only works on Inmo

Allomus: Name a way to be nice to others!

Viper: Don't stab them.

Allomus: Setting the bar a little low, but I'll allow it!

Jericho: Is there a word that's a mix between angry and sad?

Allomus: Malcontent, disgruntled, miserable, desolated.

Marshie: smad.

Viper: There are two types of people..

Ritchie: Can you describe the person who shot you?

David: Yeah, he wasn't very nice.

Inmo: Hey Lucas, when butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans in their stomachs?



David: Inmo, what the fuck?

Blake: If I got stuck in a room full of explosives and the only way out was to eat a full tomato, I'd die.

Mario: How do you even get in that situation?

Mario: Is that a hickey?

Blake: No, it's mosquito bite.

Lucas walks in room

David: Hey mosquito

←→←→←→←→←→←→←→←→←→←→←→A/N: Not as many as I usually do, but I wanted to post this soon so yup. 

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