(Draft) Rain/(A/N) I did it

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A/N: Ye, I have made a instagram account for writing tips and posted my very first writing tip post. The account is @Strawberryskles with an L as an i.


Rain was always a soothing presence for Eliore, even if he barely ever saw it. That's why when it first started to rain he grabbed Quinn and took her outside with him, the rain was pattering against the lighthouse. It was soothing, cold, but soothing. "Why do we have to be out here? It's cold!" Quinn groaned causing Eliore to look at her.

"I don't mean to be rude, but maybe it's cause you're in the wrong attire for this weather.." Quinn glared sightly, causing the cat boy to regret his words. "I'm going inside, you can have fun in the rain all you want but count me out." She walked inside without even getting a response. Eliore frowned but shook his head as he walked farther out into the storm, he didn't really feel the cold of the rain, just the calming feeling.

He didn't exactly understand why the rain was calming to him, but he didn't pay much attention to that fact. Though one of the things he used to think, it may have been because he was found in the rain. Though it didn't make much sense.. "Eliore!" He looked behind him, seeing Alex, soaked head to toe. "Alex? What are you doing out here?"

"I was about to ask you, you're soaking wet!" Alex grabbed Eliore's hand, causing the cat boy to blush. "Come on, let's go someplace warm." Alex then dragged Eliore to the cat boy's house, as he didn't technically have a house on the island and didn't want to intrude on Jakey. The warmth hit Eliore in the face, making Eliore realize just how cold he was.

"I hadn't even noticed I was cold.." He murmured sightly, allowing himself to be dragged to his bedroom. Alex let go of Eliore, "It's was very unsafe to be out there! A storm was brewing!" Alex said, his concern showing for the purple cat boy. "I'm sorry, I hadn't even realized.." Alex smiled softly, "Just be more careful next time.." Eliore nodded, looking away blushing.

There was a bit of rustling before Alex was sitting right next to Eliore, "Mind if I stay here?I don't exactly want to intrude on Jakey, and it's kinda far away." Eliore blushed, nodding sightly.

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