(FTO) Mori and Jericho

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Mori x Jericho

Type: Small Snippets of Mori x Jericho

Warnings: Bleh.


Mori pouted as Jericho worriedly checked him for any injuries, despite the Dragon Slayer saying he was fine. Though Jericho just gave a glare and continued to check Mori for injuries. Mori sometimes hated and loved the man with his life. 


Mori cuddled into the sheets, his face tinted red. He had known why he had arrived here.. It was embarrassing to think about, and most definitely wasn’t going to tell the brown-haired wizard, he was never going to let it go. And Mori knew that for a fact. Mori let out a soft sigh, laying there as he awaited the arrival of Jericho.


Jericho chuckled at Mori’s flustered expression, sucking it in with pride. Jericho frequently took flirting as a game, but with Mori it was different, seeing the Dragon Slayer flustered was an award in itself. The Dragon Slayer rarely allowed himself to be flustered, and with that it was only by Jericho’s soft teasing and flirts. Hm.. Jericho was definitely going to up his flirting game if he could see flustered Mori.


Lovesick fools is what some would call Mori and Jericho, and in a sense they weren’t wrong. Both positively acted like lovesick puppies around each other, one more then the other, though Jericho wouldn’t have it any other way...

A/N: I officially love editing writing, just not my own. Me and my cousin created a whole story, me doing the editing while she writes the story. And I absolutely love doing that..

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