(Drafts) Bunch of Randoms

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A/N: A few random scraps, don't go together in any way.
Sorry for not posting yesterday, also my arm fucking hurts like hell. We moved all the boxes and tubs in our garage today, I still have a few more this to pack and take over before the upcoming Saturday, and I have to finish painting my room. God, I'm never painting my room ever again.

Alone, yes that's what Devin was.. He had nobody anymore, not even Eden.. It seemed like no one wanted to stick around, no one at all. So he instead spent days alone, staring at a wall, his passion for baking gone. It felt as if his old mindset was slowly slipping into his mind, he felt numb but at the same time, anger. It was unsafe, yet it slipped in so easily. He had no one to keep him anchored,


Leaves rustled as two young children ran around forest, laughing with glee. "Hah! Ritchie!" The younger one giggled, being tackled to the ground as the older one began to tickle him. "Ritchie! Pfft- Haha!" The one names Ritchie laughed, letting go of the younger one. "Kids! Time to go inside!" They both looked towards the forest entrance, faces holding a frown. "Cmon Brandon, lets not keep mother waiting." The younger one, now known as Brandon, grabbed Ritchie's hand, clutching it tight as they walked out of the forest.


Gordon sighed as bright light shone in his face, he looked down at Mitche peacefully sleeping. A smile was brought to his face, he pushed some hair gently from his face. Mitchie's eyes fluttered open softly as he awoke from his peaceful dream, he was face to face with Gordon. He smiled at the taller male he placed a soft kiss to Gordon's lips then got up, he walked over the bathroom grabbing clothes on the way. Gordon shook his head, 'Tease' he thought. He grabbed his Saxophone and headed out of the room closing the door softly as not to alter Mitchie, he hummed as he walked down the hall going up the stairs to the rooftop.

Melody was sitting on the floor in her bunny form,

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