(AU) Not like the Legends Say

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins AU

Ship: Hm..

Type: AU, Fluff?

Warnings: None I think.

Question of the Day: Favorite Season?

Mine is Winter or Autumn.


Fairies were always said to be evil, yet Brandon never understood why. He never understood why they were called evil, as he had met one once. Jericho was his name, Jericho didn't seem evil, infact, he was one of the nicest people he met, and that's saying something.  Jericho was nothing like the legends stated, he was kind hearted and never spoke bad about anyone. Brandon looked up to him, not more than his brother but still a healthy amount.

"Ritchie! Get back here right now!" Brandon's older brother, Ritchie, glared at their father and ran off, causing the guards to run after him. Their father sighed, running a hand down his face. He turned to Brandon, "Go to your room.." Brandon nodded meekly, walking off. As he got to his room he closed the door quietly as he walked over to his closet.

He pushed a button, opening a hidden door. "Jericho?" Brandon called out softly, a human sized fairy with long brown hair walked out, he smirked at Brandon. "Heya." Brandon smiled, sitting down next to Jericho in the secret room. "Tough day?"Jericho questioned, Brandon nodded. Jericho smiled sightly, wrapping his arm around Brandon shoulder. "Sleep." Brandon nodded, leaning his head on Jericho's shoulder.

A/N: Watching Glee right now, Bruh, it's something alright. Also, don't you ever just get that social anxiety feel online?

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