(FTO) Broken..

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: One-sided Jericho x David

Type: Angst, Because I'm a sucker for Angst

Warnings: None

Question of the Day?: What's your favorite color?


Jericho was broken, positively broken. Yet, did he show it? No. He didn't show it in fear that he would be put down and pitied on. He never showed them his scars, his emotions, his feelings, and his broken heart.

He shut his heart, closing it off. Not wanting anyone to break it again, yet it seemed god had other plans.

Jericho's heart was opened, all because of one stupid Ice Devil Slayer. He didn't even know how it happened, yet... He fell for David, though he never confessed. Not wanting his heart to be broken..

It hurt, not confessing. And when he heard that David was Aromantic, his heart broke. He closed it up again, vowing himself to never open it up ever again...

A/N: Welcome to angst village with Sun.
I've always loved Angst, legitimately I almost never had happy ending in my stories. When I did, they weren't even that happy. I don't why, but I almost always, in my opinion, wrote angst better.

Anywho, yup, angst my favorite thing. I don't know why I have an obsession with Jericho and Angst.. I just do.. 

Also I love the song above, so yup, It has nothing to do with the storyline I just love the song. 

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