(FTOS5) Love never Last..

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Ships: Kinda one-sided love, Jericho x Viper

Fandom: Fairy Tail Origins S5

Type: Angst

Warning: Honestly sad, And no happy ending.. Unless there's a part two.


Love... Something Jericho felt.. But.. Not in a way you would think, they always say the ones who make other people happy are always the most loneliest.. I suppose you could say that goes for Jericho too.

Jericho had tried for a good portion of his life to find love, after Celeste had "Died" he gave up.. It was useless anyways, atleast that was until he met Viper. It was odd to say the least, for the first time in a while he had felt real love.

Sure Jericho flirted with everyone he found, but that was just to mend his broken heart. But with Viper he felt what people called, Love at first Sight.. A puppy love you could say, but for Jericho it was everything

Sure Viper also pushed him away, and probably didn't like him. But that didn't stop the beating of his heart and the flushing of his cheeks everytime he thought of him.

The dates were mostly to get his mind off of the Puppy love he felt, it didn't work. It probably never would, all his mind went to was the Blue haired snake that would most likely never love him.

If only God was kinder to him, is what he thought every night.

That was wishful thinking, Celeste.. She was alive, and most of all.. Hated him.. It hurt, but reminded him that...

Love is wishful thinking, Love hurts. And that's all. 

A/N: This was kinda just a little writing practice for my angst, I'm not really proud of this but I do like the beginning. Jericho x Viper is my OTP I don't really like Viper x Kay, but I respect it. Ah, anywho a update.. Goodnight, or Good morning, or Good Evening, or have an Fantastic day. 

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