(Theory Time) Brandeen's Plan?

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Theory time, so you all remember the finale on Brandon's Channel for Origins of Olympus right? So Brandeen didn't die, here's my theory. Now I believe that Lychee is a very strong demigod, I mean he did almost take down Brandeen, so what if Brandeen knew he had no chance against Lychee, so he let himself be defeated.

Then you might be saying 'Wait, why didn't he just take Lychee's power from the beginning then?' Because Brandeen's body would overload with all the power inside of him, and he couldn't just kill Lychee, so he tried to manipulate him, and as you saw that didn't work. So he let himself die, now you might be wondering. 'Okay then.. How would he have known and made a plan in advance?' That's were Apate comes in, Lychee's Demon.

You remember the episode were Brandeen and Apate were talking right? That's what they were talking about, Brandeen needed someone in the inside so he used Lychee's Demon.  You'll all probably questioning 'Ok, how does Dying help him?' in the one episode Apate stated that Brandeen had lost control to his demon, that's what would help him. He would watch Lychee for awhile and wait until Lychee's the most vulnerable and he would swoop in.

He would claim that him dying helped him gain control of his demon, 'Ok then.. But Apate told him that Brandeen lost control?' exactly, if they had proof that you could gain back control it would make Lychee more trusting of letting Apate have control. Hence he would give Apate control and lose himself, that's my theory.

You all are probably thinking I'm going insane but like... Think about it.

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