(OoO) Lovesick Cal Part 3

839 21 0

Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: Uh


Warnings: Confusion


The wind was howling outside the Egyptian pyramid, Cal and the others were huddled up playing board games and talking. Ricarro was side hugging Mikeal, much to the Mikeal's despise. Magnus had their head in Inpu's lap, as they hated storms, it got their tails wet. Mev and Solis were just sitting next to each other, while their pets were running around. While Davis and Cal were the card dealers, they were playing a trivia game that Cal found. The game was a team game, and whoever was sitting next to each other were a team.

"Who is the forgotten former member of the Big twelve?" Cal asked, looking up from the card to get a glance at the others.

"Hestia, Goddess of Warmth." Mikeal said calmly, Ricarro clapped and cheered. Mikeal was quite good at the game leaving Ricarro and Mikeal in first place, Inpu and Magnus close behind.

"Well done, 10 points added to Ricarro and Mikeal." Davis added more points on the whiteboard, while Cal grabbed another card.

"Whose the son of the Greek Goddess of Love?" Cal asked, Inpu immediately answered.

"Eros! He's the son of Aphrodite." Cal smiled, Bryan probably talked his head off about the gods and goddess of Love.

"Correct! That's 10 points added to Inpu and Magnus." That rounded Inpu and Magnus up to 90 points, they had been playing for awhile.

"Next question, who's the deity of dragons in Asian-" Cal was cut of by lightning striking and thunder rumbling in the distance, as a figure appear in the doorway.
Davis and Ricarro gasped, "Middle Bro!" Ricarro shouted, getting up and running towards him. He hugged him, not minding if he got a little wet. Two figures popped up behind him.

Cal's eyes widened as he saw Nad and Lee, "Hmm.. If I may question why you guys are here?" Mikeal asked, missing the warmth of Ricarro.

"Uhm.. We wanted to visit..?" Lychee said, as they walked into the pyramid. "What are you guys doing..?" Lychee looked at the whiteboard and cards scattered around. Lee changed into her human form as she was having trouble not stepping on stuff.

"We're playing a trivia game, do you want to join? You three could be on a team." Cal said as calm as he could, seeing as the boy he just rejected was in the room. Ricarro skipped back over to Mikeal and cuddled into the son of Horus.
"Play? Sure! Sounds like fun, what about you guys?" Lee asked, Lychee just nodded while Nad seemed hesitant but finally nodded. They sat down next to eachother while Davis added their team to the board.

"So, are we gonna start over?" Mikeal asked, bringing Riccaro closer to him. Cal nodded, he pulled another card out of the deck.

"Who's the Egyptian goddess of Cats?" Davis smirked as Mikeal quickly raised his hand. Cal pointed at him.

"Bastet." Cal nodded and Davis added more points to the whiteboard.

The game went on for a few more hours, until Riccaro and Lychee had started to fall asleep, Lychee falling asleep on Lee and Riccaro falling asleep on Mikeal. That's when they decided to be done for the night, they placed all the things back in their respective places but kept the whiteboard hanging on the wall with their scores still written.

"Uh, Bros.. I just realized we don't have enough rooms and the storm has gotten worse..." Davis said, drawing attention to the storm outside. And sure enough, it had gotten worse. They all knew that it could be dangerous to send the others back, so that meant they were stuck here.

"Well then," Mikeal said, clapping his hands to bring attention to me. "It seems our guests are staying. So sleeping arrangements need to be done. Hmm... Someone can stay in my room, I'll stay with Riccaro." Which made sense as Riccaro was not letting go off Mikeal, that seemed to make Riccaro happier. "That leaves two more.."

"Uh.. I don't think you realize.. But me and Lee can sleep out here." Nad said, Lee nodded. Mikeal thought this through, and eventually nodded.

"Yes yes.. I suppose.. Well, That means Lychee is taking my room." And with that Mikeal left, Riccaro clinging to him. Davis looked at Cal, but Cal just shrugged and headed off to his room. And soon the others followed his lead.


Birds chirped in the distance as Cal rolled over, hiding his face in the pillow. Basting in the silence for once, "Cal..?" Cal innerly groaned, he rolled over. His eyes widened as he saw Nad, he sat up. "Uh.. Hey Nad.." He looked down, Nad seemed somewhat uncomfortable.

Cal sighed, feeling the tension in the room. He got up, walking over to Nad. "Nad." Nad looked up sightly, blushing at how close Cal was. "I'm confused okay..? I haven't had time to really think about my feelings.." Nad looked up, confused. Cal just smiled sightly.

"What do you mean..?" Cal looked away, he sighed. "I may have been lying a little bit about me not.. Liking you.." Nad blinked, letting it sink it before blushing brightly. "I.. Uh..." Cal looked away.

"W-Why did you lie..?" Nad asked, tilting his head.

"I-.. It's hard to explain.. Just know.. That I can't explain it right now." Cal smiled softly, kissing Nad's cheek before leaving his room.

Nad's eyes widened, holding a hand to his cheek. I- wow..

A/N: Wow, the 100th chapter.. Honestly thank you y'all, like.. Wow. Wasn't expecting for this book to actually get reads. I know I've said that like millions of times but I mean it. This oneshot series thing is the reason I started writing again so.

One last thing, there someone I have to say thank you to.

@falloutyaoi who kept throwing platonic love at me and overall was an amazing person, so thank you. (Also, go check out their oneshot book.. It's amazing.)

And to many others, but I'd be here all day if said thank you to all of them, but seriously.. Weee

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