(A/N) Thank you all, Happy New Years

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Happy New Years, it's not new years for me yet but happy new years for the people where it is new years!

I've been meaning to post this for a while, I just kept forgetting and I had no ideas on what to say. But now I think I do...

Thank you guys all for voting and reading my stupid oneshots, I know I've said this before but I feel the need to say it again. It made me really happy, ecstatic even, to know that people were enjoying my stories.

This year may not have been the best, but to me it meant the world. It brought back my joy of writing, I stopped writing awhile ago and forgot how much I enjoyed it until now.

To be honest, this book was a spark for me. It was my reason I started enjoying what I liked. At first I haven't even thought of writing, this all started when I decided to make an Instagram account after I heard that Origins of Olympus was coming back and then I started writing again.. In some ways Origins was also a spark.

I know alot of you probably won't care, and that's fine. But the best thing that came out of this year for me, was writing. So, again, Thank you all!

What was the worst and best thing that happened to you this year/last year?(for those who are already in 2021.)

See y'all, Sun.. Out

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