(Bloody Letters) Leads..

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus AU


Type: AU

Warnings: Some harsh language and sensitive topics.


She slumped against the chair, her eyes dull. The man stopped, looking back at the camera.  The person nodded, they pressed a button.  "Leave her be for now.." The man nodded, leaving the room.

The person spun in their chair, smiling insanely. "They're idiots.. I get what I want." They got up, walking to the door. "I always do."


"Alright everyone, remember, try to get as much information about Lily as you can." Davis said, the others nodded, leaving the room.

The only one who remained was Davis' team, Davis grabbed the van keys. "Everyone ready?" The others nodded, grabbing things they deemed necessary.

"Time to find some answers.." Davis said grimly.


The van lurched to a stop in front of a small house, only a few got out, that being Davis, Cal, and Lychee, they didn't want to overwhelm the family. Davis walked up to the door, knocking. The door creaked open as a woman walked out sightly, "If you're here to rob me, I don't have much.." The woman said weakly, Davis held up his badge. Her eyes widened, opening the door.

They walked into the small living room, you could tell that the woman had clean the room many times"Names Davis, that's my team. We're here to ask some questions.." The woman nodded, "Would you like anything?" Davis shook his head, she nodded.

She patted the couch, inviting the team to sit, to which they did. She sat in an arm chair. "May we have your name?" The woman smiled weakly. "Sarah Jones." 

"Well Ms. Jones, I'm sure you know what we are here for, am I correct?" Sarah nodded, her smile dropped a little. "What was Lily like? Did she have any enemies?" Sarah clicked her tongue.

"She was an angel, she brought friends around quite alot. She always had good grades and was a relatively good kid. She never mentioned anything about enemies, but there was a few times I could see bruises on her. I didn't ask, hoping she would tell me in her own time.." Sarah eyes turned sad. Davis looked to Cal, as he wasn't one for emotion stuff. Cal smiled sadly at Sarah.

"If we may ask another question?" Cal asked, Sarah nodded. "You said she came home with bruises right?"She nodded again. "Did you ever ask?"

"I did once, when it first started happening. I asked her but she said it was from her boyfriend.. I tried to believe but it felt off as her boyfriend was a nice young fellow and wouldn't do stuff like that until marriage.." They all looked at eachother, Lychee was looking around as his eyes fell on something.

"What's that?" Sarah looked in the direction he was pointing, there sat a picture. "Oh that.. That's Lily and her friend. For the life of me I can't remember his name.." Lychee looked to Cal, the blue haired boy nodded.

"May we ask what happened between them? As it seems they aren't friends.." Sarah got up, grabbing the picture. "I don't even now myself, Lily just came home one day and said she was done with him and to never mention his name.. If I find more out I'll tell you." Cal nodded.

"May we take the photo?" Sarah nodded, giving the photo to Cal. They got up, "Thank you ma'am, we'll call you if we find anything out, I hope that you will as well." She smiled, leading them out.

"Oh, one more question. Where would we find her boyfriend and what is name?" Davis asked, the woman thought. "His name is Colin Hermes, you'd probably find him at the skate park around this time. It's the only thing that would get his mind off her." Davis nodded, shaking hands with the lady as the three headed back to the car.

"To the skate park we go.. Cal, Lychee, see if you can find information about the guy in the picture.. Let's hope the others have found things as well. " Cal and Lychee nodded, grabbing out a laptop.


Mario, Nad, Bri, and Mania made it to the school, Mania and Bri led the group to the entrance, they pressed a button. The girl in the office looked up, Bri flashed her badge. The door opened, "Miss, do you know where we could find the principal office?" The woman pointed down a hall. Bri smiled, leading the group down the hall.

"Found it." Mario said, he knocked on the door. A woman opened the door, she looked at them, raising an eyebrow. Mario held out his badge, the woman grimaced. She opened the door wider, letting them in the office. There were only two chairs, Mario and Bri took them, the other two standing at the door.

"I can only assume you are here because of Lily Jones?" The woman asked as she sat behind the desk. Mario nodded, the woman sighed. "I'm Mrs. Alice. Harper Alice if you must."

"I'm Mario, that's Bri. The others standing because us are Nad and Mania. We would like to call in Lily Jones's Friends if we could, but we would like to ask you some questions before." Mrs. Alice nodded, allowing them to.

"Would you say Lily was a good student?" Mrs. Alice nodded. "She was an amazing student, barely ever caused trouble. Though, she did seem to have problems with bullies.. She never wanted us to tell her mom, we never did. Hoping she would tell her mom on her own time." Bri and Mario glanced at eachother.

"What made you decide not to tell her mom?" Bri asked, Mrs. Alice sighed. "We don't even know, we didn't want to force her. Though we probably should have told her mom." Mania wrote that down.

"Hm.. What were her bullies names?" Mario asked, looking at Mania. Mrs. Alice dug around in her desk, grabbing out a paper. She slid it over to them. "Those were her bullies names, it has their information as well." Mario slid it over to Mania, letting them look it up.

"Thank you, may you call her friends now." Mario and Bri got up, standing over near the others as Mrs. Alice called Lily's friends to the office.

In a few minutes the door opened, two girls and one boy came in the office. They sat in the chairs, one of them sitting on the desk. Mrs. Alice looked at Mario and the others. "These were her closest friends.." The girls and boy looked at them. "I'll be outside in the office if you need me." Mario nodded, as Mrs. Alice left the room, he went over and sat in her chair.

"I'm Mario." He showed his badge, the group's eyes widened. Bri came over and stood behind the chair, leaning on it. "And I'm Bri, the others are Nad and Mania. We are here to ask some questions about your friend Lily." The boy looked down sad while the two girls tried to look away.

"Could you give us your names?" The boy looked up, "I'm Seek, That's Kayla and Cassie." Mario nodded.

"Did you know about Lily being bullied? If so, did you ever help her?" Mario asked, the boy answered. "We knew, we tried to help but she kept asking us not to." Mario nodded, he glanced up at Mania who was pointing at a text she had gotten from Davis.

"Did Lily have any other close friends who she fell out with?" This time the girl named Kayla answered. "There was a boy, but we knew nothing about him. Their friendship was very secretive, but one day she said they weren't friends. Never explained." Mario nodded, looking at Bri, she nodded as well. "You're dismissed.. Tell your Principal we're leaving." The got up, Mario and the others left. Managing to not bump into anyone else.

They all got in the car, Mario started it. "Call Davis, I think we may have some leads." Nad nodded.

A/N: Probably alot of spelling errors, but we are getting closer to the end~
I feel the murderer seems obvious but nobody's gotten it so..

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