(AU) Past

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus AU 

Ship: You'll see 

Type: AU 

Warnings: Harsh Language, maybe triggering themes?? 

Question of the Fic: What's your favorite song and Music Genre?

Mine is, top three favorite songs have to be
Willow By Taylor Swift
Breath By Lauve
Dying is a Beautiful Thing By Eashe

Favorite Music genre has to be. Pop, more early 2010s and 2000s.


Ragged breaths came from a young boy's mouth, "Disappointment! Can't even use your magic right!" The boy whimpered softly, tears built up in his eyes. His bottom lip quivered, the man smirked. "Crybaby, fucking Crybaby." The man walked away, his footstep echoing off the wall. The young boy clutched his blanket, he sniffled. Soft sobs coming out of his mouth, he muffled them in the blanket. 

The boy wiped his tears away, his eyes glimmering in the darkness. "Dad.. Please let me out.." He sniffled again. 

He waited hours.. 


Castiel glared at Cal, the minty hair boy was pacing, annoying Castiel alot. "Are you even listening?" Castiel looked up at Cal, Cal had his arms crossed. Castiel shook his head, looking back at the ground. He heard a sigh, before he felt a presence next to him. He looked at wall, his eyes turning into silts. 

"Hey, none of that." He felt a hand on his face, he growled at Cal. He looked at Cal, the boy was frowning. His eyes turned back to normal, he leaned onto Cal. 

"It hurts.. So many people are coming around here.." Cal sighed, he felt Cal's arm around him. He leaned farther into Cal's touch. 

"I'll try to keep them away, but they're really curious about you." Cal said, grabbing Castiel's hand. Clutching it close to him, Castiel nodded. His eyes began to close. "Sleep, I'll keep them away." Castiel nodded, his eyes dropping. 


A/N: I had to look up Panther stuff, they're quite interesting. Also fun fact about Florida Panthers, they can live up to eight to 15 years. They're also fearless, they don't attack humans unless threatened. 

By the way, I have no idea where this story is going. So, yeah. Also I like the beginning, it makes me proud of the writing. I need to really stop posting AU stuff and get back on track.. I just really love my baby.. 

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