(Draft) Nightmares

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A/N: Why are female villains pretty, like who gave the right for the female villain in Mulan to be that pretty

Anywho, yee this one is pretty recent.


Cal ran fingers through his hair, groaning in distain. "Mama Cal?" Cal spun around, looking at the Red Demon, he sighed, letting his hands fall to his side. "Yes Riccaro?" Riccaro frowned, placing his hands over Cal's eyes. "Uh.. Riccaro I can't see." He heard a bit of shuffling before he felt himself being lead out of the Common Room. "Riccaro?" He questioned, a soft giggle was all he heard in return. Cal sighed, letting himself be dragged around camp.

Eventually they came to a stop, "So are you going to let me see?" He heard another giggle, and suddenly he was dragged into a room, only reason he figured it was a room was because the sun was gone. "Riccaro?" He could finally see, all the presence of Riccaro seemed gone. His eyes adjusted to the dark room, there seemed to be a few chairs around but that was it. His eyes darted around, catching movement in the corner of his eye, he gulped. "Riccaro? This isn't funny.." He heard giggling. "What said I am Riccaro." A deep voice said, Cal's eyes widened, he looked around, bumping into a wall as he tried to put distance between him and the fake.

"W-Who are you..?" Cal cursed himself for stuttering, feeling a chilly breeze. "Unimportant. You should be asking the question, what am I?" Cal breathed in unevenly, feeling terror rise in him. "W-What are y-you?" He heard the creature chuckle, making him shiver. "I am everything, yet at the same time I am nothing. You could call me the void of creation." The 'thing' laughed as Cal's eyes widened, his frame shaking ever so sightly. "W-What do y-you want from m-me?" The thing laughed pitifully.

"I want a lot of things.. But the world says I won't get them. But for now I want everything." Cal gulped, confused by the thing's words. "What d-do you m-mean..?" The thing laughed again, "You'll find out, but for now.. Wake up Cal, I'll see you again." Everything turned black, the world falling from underneath his feet. He screamed, his eyes opening. He looked around frantically, his eyes darting to every little thing. He eventually took a deep breath in realizing that the thing was gone and all the feelings it brought had disappeared. "Cal!" He snapped his head up, seeing Lychee standing in his doorway.

"Are you alright? Me and Little bro heard a scream." Cal nodded, smiling weakly. "Yeah.. I'm fine, just a nightmare." Lychee didn't look convinced but nodded anyways, "Anyways.. What time is it?" Cal asked, getting up as he stretched his muscles. "It's around 1 in the afternoon." Cal's eyes widened, he looked over at the small demon boy. "Why didn't you wake me!?" Lychee shrugged, moving out of the way. "I have so much stuff I need to get done, crap!" Cal muttered, frantically running around looking for his stuff. "I'll see you later Lychee!" He then ran out of his door, leaving the Demon Boy confused.


The camp was bustling with activity, making it easy, but at same time hard, to find who he was looking for.

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