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So apparently I'm cool enough to get tagged 😎
Ahem, (I'm not cool at all)

So from what I know about tagged, you get tagged, you answer questions and tag others. That's all, I think. So yeah, here we go. (Found random thing and used it, gonna tag like 10 people.)

1. Things you cannot leave the house without?
Uh, my jacket, or a jacket. I hate being exposed, I'm very self conscious.

2. Favorite Brand of Makeup.
I don't wear makeup. I'm too pretty for that 💅 (I'm kidding)

3. Favorite Flowers?
Hm.. I don't have any. I'm not a flower person.

4. Fav Clothing stores?
.. Bold of you to assume I go shopping for myself. I don't like choosing so my mom gets me clothes, I wear a jacket anyways.

5. Fav perfume?
Legitimately anything that isn't too heavy.

6. Heels or flats?
I used to wear heeled boots all the time, but eventually it hurt my feet so I had to stop but I would still say heels.

7. Do you make good grades?
Depends on the subject and the work.

8. Fav colors?
Any pastels and forest green.

9. Do you drink energy drinks?

10. Do you drink juice?
Sometimes, I like orange juice the best tho.

11. Do you like swimming?
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE SWIMMING, IT'S BEEN HORRIBLE TO NOT BE ABLE TO SWIM THESE PAST MONTHS. Almost all my birthdays have been something to do with water and swimming.

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
The fuq, who the hell. No..

13. Fav moisturizer?
Hm, none really. Or atleast that I can name.

14. Do you want to get married later on in live?
Not really to be honest, I've never really dwelled on the subject of marriage.

15. Do you get mad easily?
If I'm on my period yes or if I'm close to it. Though sometimes if I just don't feel the mood of the day I'll get mad at the tiniest of things.

16. Are you into ghost hunting?
Watching it yes, but doing it? I'm a fucking wimp, no way in hell would I go Ghost hunting, I'll watch it, but that's the most of it.

17. Any phobias?
Spider and Heights. I can't even go on a bunk bed without freaking out, but I'm getting over my spider one slowly. Oh and I hate any bugs and ants.

18. Do you bite your nails?
Yes, not as much as I used to but yes.

19. Have you ever had a near death experience?
I almost drowned, I had nightmares for awhile. But I slowly got over it, still scares me to death though.

20. Do you drink coffee?
No, had it once by accident, it didn't really taste like normal coffee as it was birthday cake favor, but it made my stomach cramp up.

And now I'll tag like 10 people, I think that's how it works.. Idk

@/lunablackstar488 (Tried tagging multiple times, wattpad just doesn't like me tagging you. Kept crashing)

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