(Draft) A Christmas Spectacular

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Think you also know why I didn't finish it.


Author's POV

Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. Everyone who celebrates Christmas feels the joy and the world, even people who don't feel it. You might be wondering, why does this matter. Well, at Camp Oasis Christmas is coming. Let's pop in to our favorite thief, Inmo..

Currently Inmo was hiding away from some certain Aphrodite children, they may or may not have found out about a certain crush. Inmo quickly turned and hid in the stables.

"Inmo! Come on! It's just a crush, you know it's our thing!" Bryan said, skipping into the stables. Bri hot on his trail, he peaked his head around a box. "Gotcha!" He grabbed Inmo before he could run away, Inmo whined softy,  Struggling to get out of the winged demigods grip.

Bri laughed softly. "Bryan, come on let him go." Bryan shook his head, a pout forming on his face. He squeezed Inmo tighter, Inmo just rolled his eyes and struggled more.

"Sorry, I tried." Bri said, walking closer to them.

"Austin! Give me back my sword!" They heard a sudden voice yell, suddenly 4 people barged into the stables. Austin leading it, holding a certain Son of Ares sword.

"Ah! Bri help me!" Austin quickly ran and hid behind Bri, Bri's eyes widened as she saw both Michael and Daveed hold back Brandeen.

Bryan let his hold on Inmo weaken as he dropped Inmo, "Austin, give it back. It isn't that hard, why'd you even steal it in the first place?" Bryan said as he walked up to Austin, holding his hand out. Austin pouted, but gave in and gave it to Bryan.

"Only because your my Favorite brother. Don't tell Xylo though." Austin said, he hid behind Bri again as he saw a glimpse of Brandeen's face.

Bryan walked up to Brandeen, and handed him his sword. "Here, surprised Austin was able to get it though." Bryan said softly, Brandeen took it.
"Thanks, I suppose.. Come on Daveed." Both of them walked out, Michael turned to Austin. A glare resting on his face, "I told you not to steal it! How many times do I have to tell you!" Michael said, Austin just pouted, nodding. Michael looked other at the others in the room, "Well, thank you, we got to run." Michael led Austin out of the building, Austin only getting a half wave before getting dragged off.

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