(FL) Confusion

972 14 14

Fandom: Fable Legacies

Ship: Uh.. None, expect for questioning of feelings.

Type: Idk

Warning: None.

Question of the Day: If you watch Fable legacies, whose your favorite character?

If you don't, what's your favorite origins series?

(If you know both, answer both.) Mine are: Eros is most definitely my favorite character, and probably OoO S2.


Eros sighed as he hugged his legs, he was confused, confused about everything.. How could he not be confused when Jesse just flat out kissed him but didn't mean it? So yes, he was utterly confused.

But what confused him more, was that he didn't like it.. Well he did.. But not like like it. It was odd, he would think he would be happy about be kissed by such a cutie. Yet, he wasn't. And it confused him.

He sighed, and got up slowly. With questions still bubbling around in his head, he went to bed.

A/N: Wow, is this a.... Fable Legacies oneshot...? I can't believe it.. I was gonna write more but I'm really trying to post every day so.. Yeah, I'm gonna make a part two because ship. But yeah. A new year, a new fandom to write about. As I didn't get to write about this fandom last year. 

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