(FTO) [Insert Good Title]

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Allomus x Brandon

Type: Fluff..?

Warning: Bruh

Requested by: Amycatlovely

Question of the Day: [Insert Question]


Allomus hummed gently, doing some paperwork as he rubbed his lover's hand. Brandon leaned against his boyfriend, his eyes dropping. Allomus looked over at his boyfriend, finally dropping his pen. Allomus chuckled softly at the sight of his boyfriend falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Darling, you could've moved to the bed." Allomus whispered softly, Brandon whined, shaking his head. Allomus smiled, getting up, picking up his boyfriend bridal style. Brandon curled into Allomus' chest.

Allomus laid Brandon down on his bed, slipping in next to the white haired guild leader. Brandon hummed softly, cuddling into Allomus. The latter ran his fingers through Brandon's hair. "Love you.." Brandon mumbled tiredly. "Love you as well darling."

A/N: Good morning! 🌄. I hate mornings.. I surprisingly have nothing to say so.. Sorry it's short.

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