(AU) Cloaked Figure

706 11 20

Fandom: Origins of Olympus AU

Ship: You'll find out

Type: Idk

Warning: Bro idk

Question of the Fic: What's your favorite type of Movies? (Fantasy, Science Fic, Romance, etc)

Mines probably Dance/Gymnastics movies. 


Castiel looked at the ground, "Come on.. I know you can get up." Cal said, giving a hand to Castiel. He growled, biting away the hand.

"I don't see the point.." He looked up, seeing Cal roll his eyes. Castiel glared at him.

"The point is.. If you can walk, you're closer to getting out. Now get the hell up." A grumble came out of Castiel mouth, but he slowly got up.

A whimper was building up in his throat, he stood. He looked up at Cal, who had a smile on his face. "Now, walk to me." Castiel took a step forward, he stumbled. He took another step forward, he whimpered softly. Cal's eyes softened. Cal walked over to Castiel, letting Castiel lean on him. Castiel whimpered softly as he buried his face in Cal's shirt.

He heard Cal sigh softly, as Cal slowly dropped them both to the ground. "We'll try again tomorrow." He hugged Cal, then immediately retraced. He moved away from Cal. His eyes immediately darted to the door, his eyes turned to silts. He felt a hand on his shoulder, he almost growled at Cal. His eyes relaxed a bit.

Cal sighed, Castiel looked back at the door. Growling softly. "There's someone there.." He could feel movement from Cal, He heard a sigh. He looked back at Cal, he was moving towards the door. Castiel was glaring at the door as Cal opened it.

He heard Cal talking to someone, their voice was deep so he guessed it was a boy. He moved closer to the door, there was a man. His hair was long, he had an interesting beard as well.

"-Needs your help." Cal groaned, the man rolled his eyes. Crossing his arms. "You spend all your of time over here, I get it.. Someone over here needs your help, but seriously."

"Fine, I'll be there in a minute. Now leave." Cal shut the door before he could even get a response. Cal sighed, he looked at Castiel.

"Go.. Someone needs your help, I'll be fine." Cal frowned softly, he walked over to Castiel.

"I'll be back, okay?" Cal smiled at Castiel, Cal then got up. Walking towards the door, leaving.

Castiel sighed, crawling towards his bed. He laid down on it, he curled up. Staring at the door, his eyes darting around every so often.

He hummed a song, his eyes drooping.. As he fell asleep, a creak was heard. The darkness cloaked them, the person smirked. Their eyes showed evil.. They left, not wanting to be seen. Soon.. Castiel, you'll be back..

A/N: Honestly.. I love my OoO AU. I don't even care if people hate it, cause I'm still gonna write it.. Because I love it!!! Though I need to find a name for this..... I also need to stop making AUs, cause I gotta work on Grimshade. I haven't even started on the next chapter of it. But I love this AU.... It's my baby. I also don't have to force myself to make longer chapters, as with Grimshade I try to make the chapters atleast 1k words. 

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