(Origins) If Counterparts Met

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Fandom: FTO, MHO, OoO, SNO

Ship: No

Type: If all characters met

Warnings: Harsh Language

Question of the Day: Which characters should I do next in this?


........................Devin's Characters......................... 

Eden and Drannus: Fighting about who's the better villain.

FTO Devin: Boyfriends are stupid, *Takes a sip of alcohol* THEY ALWAYS LEAVE *Beings crying drunkenly.*

SNO Devin: I-...

Shizu: I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE *covers ears while rocking back in forth in a ball*

..................Boat's Characters...............................

Cal and OZ Lucas: Talking about the constant trauma they receive.

Garlin: Ready to fucking kill everyone in the room.

Shino and FTO Lucas: trying to stop her

SNO Lucas: "The fuck-"

................Brandon's Characters........................

Lychee and Leo: Talking about the constant lost (Dead Friends and Families.) in their lives.

Jupiter and Brandeen: Ready to throw done on who's the better villain.

FTO Brandon: Curled in a ball in the corner.

Kiyo and SNO Brandon: Chilly talking to each other.

....................David's Characters............................

Daveed: Trying to sell everyone his merchandise, but also missing his Bestie.

Davis, MHO David, FTO David: Comparing each other's workout routines and complementing each others muscles.

Dolus: Sitting in the corner away from everyone.

....................... Kaylee's Characters...........................

Kit: Staring lifelessly into a corner

Kacey: Sleeping

Gracey: Making friends with everyone.

Lee: Drinking alcohol.

A/N: Idk even know. But guess who finally decided to post on their Instagram! Me! So yeah, self promoting here but like go check it out.

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