(OoO) It's okay? [Have I named a chapter this before?]

942 15 5

Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: Could take as non ship, but originally was ship. Bryan x Cal (how did I start shipping this?)

Type: Fluff

Warning: None

Question of the Day: What's your favorite Music Genre?

Mine is mostly 2010s Pop and very angsty music.


Cal's minty hair blew in the wind as the sunset, the night was cold but Cal still sat there. He needed to clear his mind, it was quieter out here. "Cal?" The mint hair demigod looked over his shoulder, seeing the Son of Aphrodite. Bryan came closer and sat down next to Cal, "What are you doing here?" Bryan asked, Cal hummed. "Just thinking, it's loud in there.." Cal said as he nodded towards the Pyramid, Bryan smiled.

"Seeing who you're living with I guessed." Cal chuckled, looking back out at the sky. "So, what are you doing around here?" Bryan chuckled depressingly, "Nightmares." Cal looked over at Bryan, "Wanna talk about it?" Bryan shook his head, laying down in the sand. Cal hummed, laying down next to Bryan.


Sleep came easily, which was odd as Cal usually never got sleep. But something about having Bryan around made him sleep easier, not that Cal was complaining. Bryan yawned next to him, curling up sightly. Bryan's wings stretched, "Morning.." Cal said softly, sitting up as he brushed the sand off his clothes and hair. Bryan hummed sightly, "Morning." Bryan sat up, running his hands through his fluffy brown hair.

Cal got up, helping up the other man. Bryan yawned again, stretching his wings. "Sorry, I'm not a morning person." Bryan said, Cal smiled. "It's fine." Bryan smiled sightly, "I should get home, it was nice talking to you!" Bryan then took off, Cal shook his head, walking into the pyramid.


Bryan smiled, intertwining his and Cal's hands. It had become a daily thing where Cal and Bryan just hung out, they both understood it, but pushed it away from their minds. "So, how was River?" Cal asked, swinging their inner locked hands. Bryan sighed, "Okay for the most part I guess.." Cal hummed, "I think he's still hurt from my rejection." Cal smiled softly at Bryan, leading them to sit at a bench. "Sometimes it's hard to get over someone you loved alot, just give him awhile before he actually talks to you." Bryan smiled softly.

"Thanks for listening to me, even if it's stupid." Cal rolled his eyes, taking Bryan's hand again. "It's not stupid Bryan, you're inclined to your own feelings." Bryan sighed, leaning into Cal. "I know, I just feel rude dropping all of this on you." Cal ran his fingers through Bryan's hair, chuckling sightly. "Bryan, you can tell me whatever." He sighed, "As long as you're okay." He whispered. Bryan looked up at Cal, "What?" Cal just shook his head, pushing Bryan's head back down. Bryan hummed, muttering a quiet "Alright then." Before relaxing.

A/N: Bruh, legitimately no one's actually doing their work in creative coding, I think two people are legitimately playing Minecraft. The fuck.
Also, I'm kinda just listening to sad music, bruh it's good.

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