(FTO) It'll be okay

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Blake x Lucas

Type: Fluffy Angst

Warning: None

Requested by: @fnvnotingrgjbnrf


Blake quickly wiped her eyes as she heard footsteps coming towards her, "Blake? Are you okay, I thought I heard crying?" Lucas asked, Blake tried to keep her emotions under control.

"Yeah." Sniffle."I'm fine." Lucas frowned, Blake was still wiping her eyes.

"No your not, you were crying.." Lucas sighed, he walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her. That's when Blake broke, she found herself crying into Lucas chest as Lucas just hugged her silently.

As she got her sobbing under control, Lucas asked "What's wrong Blake?" She just kept her head in Lucas' chest, not wanting to talk yet.

"I'm scared... I'm scared I'll never see my dragon again.. That I'll never be able to thank them..." She felt tears roll down her face.

"It's okay, I won't say I understand. But I promise you it gets better." She just nodded, she moved her head from his chest.

"Thank you for listening to my childish feelings.." Just as Lucas was about to say something, she kissed him. "Thank you... I'm sorry about what happened in Saolde.."Lucas just rolled his eyes.

"It's okay,... Cmon.. Let's cuddle.." She just smiled. God how she loved Lucas.


A/N: Probably gonna go to bed soon so ah. But also yee.. I don't know why, I just never wrote straight ships well.. So, this might be trash but... Yeah... 

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