(SNO) A Puzzle Complete

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Fandom: Supernatural Origins

Ship: Lucas x Jackson

Type: Yo, I don't know. Fluff??

Warnings: Swear warning and mentions of a few mature things.

Question of the Fic: The weirdest animal fact you know?

Mine: I'll legitimately quote it right here. I don't know if it counts as weird though.

"They might sound cold to us, but they're simple—and they have to do with resources." Indeed, mother bears, felines, canids, primates, and many species of rodents—from rats to prairie dogs—have all been seen killing and eating their young." Ahem.

Lucas sighed, he walked down stairs as he rubbed his eyes. "Well that's not a happy face." He glared at Brandon, puffing his wings in annoyance. Brandon raised an eyebrow as Lucas angrily stomped to the table, Lucas sat down across from Brandon, he glared at the table.

Brandon sighed as he rubbed his temple, "Okay, why are you acting like a child?" Brandon asked as Lucas glared at the table, Lucas looked up at his fellow fallen angel. "I don't even know! Well I do but.. " Lucas said as he flopped his head onto the table. Brandon raised an eyebrow as he put down his newspaper, he placed an hand on Lucas' shoulder.

"So if you know why, then why don't you tell me?" Lucas sighed, hiding his head.

"I- I think I gained feelings for someone... and it confuses me.." Lucas sniffled softly, Brandon sighed, something that he seemed to do alot of recently, he grabbed Lucas' head. Picking it up so Lucas was looking him in the eyes, Lucas' eyes had a few tears building in them.

"Don't cry.. I'll help you okay..?" Lucas smiled sightly at Brandon, while Brandon looked away with an embarrassed face. "It's only because mother wouldn't like me not helping my little brother!" Lucas chuckled as he got up, helping Brandon up. "So, will you tell me who your crush is?"

Lucas blushed, hiding his face in his wings. "My crush may or may not be a Vampire.. A very handsome Vampire at that.." His face blossomed red, Brandon glared sightly. "It better not be that stupid fancy Vampire.." Brandon growled, Lucas looked away blushing.

"You- Him- What!?" Lucas looked away, puffing up his wings to hide his face. Brandon sighed, "Fine.. Let's get over to that stupid Vampire place.." Lucas smiled softly, walking over to Brandon, he hugged him. Brandon hugged him back awkwardly, not used to human contact.


Jackson was lying on his bed, drinking some wine. He was trying to block out the sounds of Colin moaning for more, apparently Marcus had a thing for Colin and well.. You can guess the rest..

Anyways, Jackson was trying to block out the sound. Trying to get drunk as hell, he took another sip, jugging it down. "Jackson! Why the fuck can I hear your Vampire friends moaning!?" He groaned, getting up slowly.

He freshened himself up before walking down the stairs, seeing the fallen angels. "I don't know, I've been trying to block out the sounds." Brandon raised an eyebrow, "By drinking.. Uhuh.." Brandon said as he eyed the bottle.

Jackson rolled his eyes, "So, what are you two doing here? I thought you didn't want Lucas around here." Brandon growled softly at the mention of the date. He felt a hand on his shoulder, he sighed.

"I'm here because......... Lucas needed to talk to you and I'm not letting my little brother come here alone." Jackson looked confused for a spilt second. "Before we get onto the Lucas talking to me... Little brother? I knew you two were close friends.. But?" Jackson said confused, Brandon sighed.

"Well, I basically got stabbed.. Yadda yadda, Lucas saved me and found out we were brothers because he lost some memories and remembered them." Jackson raised an eyebrow.

"Well.. That was unexpected.." Brandon nodded while Lucas chuckled softly, making his first noise. Jackson smiled softly, "Well then Lucas, you want to talk to me?" Lucas nodded sightly, his face become a little more red. Brandon sighed.

"You hurt him Jackson, I'll rip your fucking head off." Jackson smirked, but nodded none the less. Brandon sighed, whispering something in Lucas' ear before walking off.

Lucas flushed red, looking away awkwardly. Jackson raised an eyebrow, "So Darling?" Lucas hid his face in his wings, blushing from the nickname. Jackson smirked, "What does the beautiful darling need from me huh?" Lucas looked up at Jackson.

"I-.." He blushed, but kept eye contact with Jackson. "I don't think I have words to explain it.. So, can I show you?" Jackson raised an eyebrow but nodded. Lucas smiled sightly, raising his face. Brushing his lips against Jackson, the latter's eyes flew open. Lucas' eyes fluttered shut, eventually Jackson was able to clear his head. Wrapping his arms around Lucas' waist, pulling him closer.

It felt as if the puzzle was complete. There was hungry in the kiss, passion. They broke apart, their breaths coming out labored. Lucas smiled softly, pressing his forehead against Jackson's. "Does that answer everything?" Jackson chuckled, sending a shiver down Lucas' spine.

"I think it does Darling.. I think it does." They sat there in silence, basking in each other's presence.

A puzzle, finally complete.

A/N: Sorry this was out a little later, I was watching a movie with my family. I had this idea and.. This happened so.. Yup.. That's really all for this author note.. Oh wait! Second SNO oneshot of this book. 

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