(SCP) Sleepiness

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Fandom: SCP

Ship: Bryrio, Bryan x Mario

Type: Who knows anymore

Warnings Harsh Language, Spelling Mistakes.

Requested by: danielleashleycamero

Question of the Fic: Favorite Season? (Have I done this one? I don't know anymore..)

Mine: Winter or Autumn, I like cold seasons.


Bryan yawned, slouching sightly. "We are here!" Kaylabear said, smiling brightly. Mario just groaned walking out first, Xylo being next. Kaylabear looked at Bryan, "Hey, you okay?" Bryan nodded, yawning sightly. Kaylabear looked at him suspiciously but neither the less nodded and headed out of the elevator. The floor was clear as far as they could see.

"Hm! We should spilt into groups! Me and Xylo and Bryan and Mario!" Mario groaned while Xylo nodded.

"Seriously! I have to be with Bryan who would shoot me!" Kaylabear nodded, grabbing Xylo's hand walking off.

Mario sighed, grabbing Bryan's hand he dragged him off in the other direction. Bryan blushed slightly, but allowed himself to be pulled. As they got farther down the hallway, Bryan seemed to get more tired. I really shouldn't have stayed up last night..  Bryan thought as he was on the verge of falling asleep on Mario.

"We're here, we should go find Kaylabear and Xylo now-" Mario said as he turned around, only to see Bryan dozing off sightly. "Bryan? Oh my god!" Mario groaned, picking up Bryan. Bryan curled into Mario, making little snores.

Mario blushed, I'll get the others after I put Bryan back on the main floor.  Mario pressed the elevator button, walking inside.


"Finally.." Mario muttered sightly, he tighten his grip on Bryan, walking into the room. He laid Bryan down on the bed, he began walking away, until he felt his hand being pulled on. He turned to look at Bryan, Bryan's eyes were half open.

"Please don't leave me.." Mario blushed sightly, "I have to go get Kayla and Xylo." Mario replied, trying to pry off Bryan's fingers. Bryan pouted sightly, yawning.

"Fine.. Love you.." Then Bryan fell asleep, Mario's eyes widened as he blushed. Oh my fucking god.. He took a breath, walking outside. "Fuck.. I'm screwed.. He's..Argh.." Mario hid his face in his hands, screaming.

"Oh my.. Mario are you okay?" Kayla asked, Mario just shook his head. "I'm fucked.." Kayla and Xylo looked at eachother, confused.

A/N: Just trying to finish my requests before I go on my break.

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