(SDS) A "Normal" Day

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Fandom: SDS Minecraft Roleplay.

Ship: Yes

Type: Whatever type the SDS roleplay is

Warning: Unconsented kiss. This is also a older one I just remember I had


Brandon yawned, they were on another uselessly boring quest yet again. Like normal Michael was being his usual wrathful self while Ritchie and David were fighting yet again, he guessed it was better than Ritchie flirting with Michael and Michael deciding to blow a fuse. Though he wouldn't mind peace and quiet, he had to admit he had grown use to Ritchie constant flirting, David and Ritchie constant fighting, and of course Michael being well Michael.

A snappy remark from David snapped him out of his thoughts. "Well at least I don't flirt with people for a living, at least I'm useful unlike you!" David snapped at Ritchie. Ritchie growled looking pissed.
"At least I don't have a stupid crush!" That got Brandon's attention, David had a crush? Was it Merlin? It most likely was but the way that Ritchie had said that made it seem like it wasn't..

"Will you both just shut up!" Michael turned around and screamed, purple smoke surrounding him. Brandon stiffened, that most definitely wasn't good Michael was beyond pissed and what ever got his way, well he felt sorry for. Michael then continued back on the path while everyone else was quiet, it was odd to only hear the birds chirping and not any of the Sins fighting. It was peaceful for once, but Brandon hated the quiet it made him alone in his thoughts, and he didn't like his thoughts...

(Ritchie's POV)

Okay sure, I may have just spilt David's biggest secret but hey don't blame me. He was most definitely the one who started it, Michael was still fuming while Me, David, and Brandon were just walking behind him. I know I shouldn't do what I was about to do, but hey what's the worse that could happen....

Okay maybe I didn't think through my plan very well, as now I was sit against a tree with a killer headache. David was trying to calm Michael down while the Sin of Sloth was well just being the Sin of Sloth, sleeping if you didn't catch on. Okay so what did I do to make Michael pissed off, well I flirted with him duh! I mean how could you not he was just so cute when he was pissed off! Yeah so I got thrown into a tree, but it was most definitely worth it.

(David's POV)

Honestly I don't even know why I was trying to calm Michael down, I would've been fine if Ritchie died but I don't even know what 'he' would think of it. Michael eventually calmed down, after thinking of alot of peaceful thoughts, and began to continue down the path. I look at Ritchie and shook my head, following Michael once again.

(Outside POV)

Ritchie groaned, his head hurt like hell! He felt a hand on his arm, pulling him up. He looked and saw Brandon, Ritchie had to admit Brandon looked cute struggling, but then again.. When didn't he look cute. Ritchie smirked and pulled himself up, having a horrible idea but a good one in his mind. While doing so he pushed Brandon against the tree instead. Of course he made sure to gently push him against it, Ritchie knew David wasn't going to be happy but hey he wanted to have some fun. He had also managed to take off Brandon's mask, Brandon looked up at Ritchie, his eyes wide.

"Ritchie get of-!" Ritchie forcefully kissed him, Brandon's eyes went even wider. Brandon couldn't help but blush, he couldn't help but enjoy the kiss though he would never admit it. Ritchie then broke the kiss, smirking he threw Brandon's mask at him then walked away, probably trying to catch up with the other two. Brandon blushed as he touched his lips, he enjoyed the kiss but why? "Brandon come on catch up!!! We don't have all day!!" He heard Michael yell. He quickly threw on his mask and hurried to catch up.

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