(FL) Feelings

730 13 11

Fandom: Fable Legacies

Ship: I can't tell anymore

Type: Angst..?

Warning: None, I think

Question of the Fic: What's your favorite food?

Mine probably has to be Crab Fondue.. If that's counted as food, if not Pasta. 


Questions were still bubbling around in Eros' head from last night, he was still confused about his feelings. He sighed again as he got up and began to pace, Peg glared at him.

"Oh my god! Why do you kept sighing and pacing?" Eros stopped pacing, Peg was still glaring at him.

"I don't know.. It's just I'm confused.." Peg was confused when Eros didn't even try to flirt, she sighed and rubbed her template. She patted the place next to her on the couch, Eros smiled sightly and sat down next to her.

"Now why are you confused?" She glared, "Don't think I care about you, I'm just tired of hearing you sigh and pace." Eros smirked, yet didn't come up with a flirty comeback.

"Well... So, at the new years eve party.. Something happened." Peg raised an eyebrow, "To get to the point.. Jesse kissed me.." Peg's eyes widened, Eros just looked away. "That's not it.. I didn't like like the kiss.. And now I'm confused!" Eros wailed as Peg bit her lip, she sighed.

"Do you like someone? This is the only logical answer.. You didn't like the kiss cause you already like someone." Eros immediately got up, he was looking away from Peg, making it hard to see his facial expression. Peg looked confused, but eventually rolled her eyes. "I'm taking that as a yes." She got up, "Now have fun, I'm going to talk to my brother." And with that she left. Leaving Eros to his thoughts..

Oh. My. God.... I like someone... He clenched his eyes shut, tears beginning to gather up in his eyes. And I know for a fact they don't like me.. He sniffled softly, he sat on the ground, holding his legs to him as he buried his head in them. Soft sobs flooded out of his mouth.. He'll never love me..

A/N: Some angst for your day, hehe. I wrote this last night, but I wanted something to post today. I don't got much to say so, yeah. I'm just, again, watching a movie. So yeah. 

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