(FTO) Big Sister Quinn

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: None

Type: Fluff?

Warnings: None

Question of the Fic: Funniest memory you have or have been told?

Mine: Uh no idea to be honest.. I probably have plenty but I just don't remember them.


Eliore tail swished back and forth nervously, a nervous habit that just came back. He hummed, pacing back and forth. "Oh my god! You've been at that for hours!" Quinn complained, Eliore looked at her.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to annoy you!" He sat down next to Quinn, the latter just rolled her eyes. "Yeah sure..it's fine I guess." She went back to sharpening her axe.

Eliore began tapping his fingers on the couch nervously, Quinn side looked at him. Eliore bit his lip, tapping his fingers sightly faster now.

"Okay seriously, what's up?" Eliore looked at her, seemingly confused. She sighed, pointing at his tapping fingers. "Oh! I didn't realize I was doing that! I'm sorry.." Eliore's ears went down sightly, Quinn sighed, narrowing her eyes a bit.

She hugged Eliore awkwardly, though it seemed to make Eliore happier. He smiled brightly as Quinn let go, Quinn sighed again. "I only did that cause you were sad or some something.." She said grumpily, Eliore just smiled wider.

"Hehe, Okay Quinn!" He got up, he turned back to Quinn. "Would you like some cookies? I was gonna bake some!" Quinn just smiled sightly.

"Yeah sure." Eliore smiled, walking away.

A/N: Not where I was going with this but.. Yup. Don't see enough of these two, infact I barely see any of them.. 

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