Preview For Halloween Special!

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In An Unknown World...

There were screens everywhere, showing scenes from different worlds. A person was sitting at a desk that was facing the screens, the person were tapping their fingers on the desk. Seemly deep in thought, 'Which world?.. ' They looked up at one of the screens which contained two boys and a girl on a farm, one of the boys were wearing a whole face mask. 'Not that one.. ', The person looked at a different screen. This one showed a Werewolf jumping up and down with a spirit wolf. 'This one will do' The person clicked a button on the computer, nothing seemed to change. But something most definitely did.

The person scrolled to another screen, this contained a person with black hair with purple streaks. They seemed to be in a shop picking out a costume, they looked mostly human, except for the tails and ears. The person smiled, 'This one will also do, oh how confused they all with be' The person clicked a button, and the half human, half animal person fell. And right before they could hit the ground, they disappeared.

The person looked at another screen, this one contained alot of different people. They all looked quite different from one another, the person's smiled faltered. It was going to take ages to find just one person, the person shook their head. They would just have to look hard, maybe pick a few from this realm. Yes, that would be quite good. The person's smile came back at full force, oh how fun this would be indeed.


A/N: Oooo Spooky, so as you can hopefully see. This is going to be an crossover for FTO, SNO, OOO. I'm actually quite excited for this special, I'm going to do a special for alot of the Holidays. Holidays like, St. Patrick Day, Thanksgiving , April Fools, are going to not be as long as one's like, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Fourth of July. and not all are going to be crossovers, the only reason I did this one as a crossover is because I did a poll on instagram and crossover won. I'm going to be working my soul and spirit on this oneshot, so there might not be any updates until I'm done with this or unless I just wanna stop writing the other one and decide to write an oneshot. But remember this is just a Preview, I haven't even given an preview to my instagram followers. So anyways thanks for reading. 

Hope you enjoyed, Sun out!

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