(Drafts) Drafts that nobody asked for

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First one!
Name: Meeting the Ex
Fandom: Origins of Olympus S2
Ship: Brypu with mentions of S1 Brakey
Reason for not finishing: I just lost inspiration, I might finish it one day


The sun shined down on them as Solis ran after Scar, while Bryan and Inpu walked hand in hand. "Wow, He's really hyper huh? How'd you live and take care of him for so long?" Bryan asked, swinging their intertwined hands every once in a while.

"Eh, you get used to it." Inpu replied, keeping his eyes trained on Solis. Making sure he didn't get in trouble, they were currently walking around Camp. It had been a few days since Inpu proposed, he was going to be meeting his father in awhile. He wanted to atleast have fun before, Magnus would've been there if it wasn't for Xylo dragging them away.

Inpu was broken out of his thoughts by a yelp, he's eyes widened as he say Solis on the ground looking up at a man. He let go of Bryan's hand and ran over there, "I'm so sorry, do you nee-"

"Jakey? What are you doing here?" Bryan interrupted, looking at 'Jakey' oddly. Inpu and Solis looked between them confused.

"Oh, hey Bryan! I'm just checking up on the camp, duh!" The 'Jakey' person looked over at them, holding out a hand. "Hi, I'm Jakey! Nice to meet you! Don't worry about your friend by the way, it's perfectly fine." Jakey smiled, Inpu hesitantly shook his hand. Solis just jumped up and down like a child, asking all sorts of questions. The only question Inpu had in mind was how they knew each other, it was obvious that Jakey and Bryan knew each other.

"So, how do you two know each other...?" Inpu shot his shoot, Bryan and Jakey froze.

"Hehe, that's a funny story.. We roomed last year.. Probably the worst year of my life." Jakey said, rubbing the back of his neck. While Bryan gasped, looking offended. 'Roomed... Interesting..I still don't like him..'

"Oh, and Bryan stabbed me." Jakey blurted out, Inpu's eyes widened as Xylo's words came back.

"Wait, you two used to date!?" Solis looked confused, while Bryan rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah... Didn't last long though, probably atleast 2 months..." Bryan said awkwardly. "He

Name: Change
Fandom: Fairytail origins
Ship: Going in the direction of David x Lucas
Reason for not finishing: Again, lost inspiration. Don't think I'll ever finish this.


Change was hard.. That's one thing that Lucas always tried to remember. When he had first arrived the guild, he was much different then he was now. He was more cocky, he was more scared of using his god power, and most of all he felt nothing for anyone, he had no family. Though he supposed that the guild wasn't much of a family right now though. It was like a broken record, a broken family. He looked up, the sun was just barely rising. He was sitting on his bed looking out the window, David was out at his garden doing who knows what. Lucas couldn't lie he was getting used to the Ice Devil Slayer, though he would never admit it. He sighed, remember the last time he ever "fell" for a guy.


The Wind was blowing, it was a really windy day. The news had told them to stay inside, but of course Lucas didn't listen to that. Him and another boy were running around the meadows, giggling as they did. Lucas seemed to be about 14 while the other seemed to be 15. Lucas giggled as he used his magic to hide up in a tree, the other boy looked around confused on where Lucas went. Until Lucas whistled softy, he waved as the other boy noticed him. Lucas jumped out of the tree and giggled as he kissed his boyfriend.

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