(OoO) Someone

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: None

Type: Angsty Fluff?

Warnings: Major Character Death Undid, Mentions of Depression and Suicidal Thoughts. Might be more..


Gone, and just meer seconds, everything Lychee cared for came tumbling down. Crushing him with the weight of the world.

His father figure, he had to kill him in cold blood.. It seemed he lost everything..

Until.. That night.

The wind howled as Lychee swayed on the dock, his hair flew with the wind while his eyes drifted onward. To perhaps a better life.

"Lychee!" His eyes widened as he felt a hand pull him away from the edge, he looked up, seeing tan skin.

"B-Bryan?" He crooked out, he was confused on to why Bryan was here, and much less why he pushed him away from the edge.

"I see the look in your eyes Lychee.. I've had that look many times." Lychee looked downward, his pale red hair covering his face, a cruel reminder of Brandeen.

"Why?" Bryan asked, though his voice left room for Lychee to say no. He cared. Lychee looked up, his red eyes blurred with unshed tears.

"Y-You wouldn't u-understand!" Lychee choked, tears beginning to swiftly fall down his face. Lychee sobbed quietly, covering his face. He never wanted someone to see him like this, yet here he stood, crying in front of someone who was considered his enemy.

Bryan sighed softly, not making any move towards Lychee. He understood Lychee, having seen himself in Lychee many times.

"I know." Was all that fell from his lips, this only caused Lychee to sob more. He had never met someone who cared so much about someone who had threatened them.

"C-Can y-you h-hug me..?" Lychee asked in a small whisper, a whimper threatening to spill from his mouth. Bryan smiled softly, wrapping his arms around Lychee.

"I know you're hurt.. And I can't promise it'll get better.. But, just know you have me by your side." Lychee sobbed into Bryan's toga, he had someone, someone who cared like Brandeen had.

A/N: Unedited.

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