(FTO) Habits

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Ritchie x Lucas

Type: Fluff

Warning: None

Summary: Lucas has a habit of not being able to stay still when he's sad.

Lucas sighed contemplated, the flower he was previously holding fluttering to the ground. He got up slowly, looking up the tree garden, including Tapio's grave. He sighed once more, tapping his fingers on his other arm.

"Lucas." Lucas looked towards the sudden voice, seeing one of his guild leaders. "You're doing it again." Lucas looked down suddenly, seeing his fingers tapping his skin. Lucas sighed, pushing his arm away from his kin.

"Sorry." Lucas murmured, looking down from the guild leader. "You can't control it, don't be sorry." Lucas looked up at Ritchie, his eyes searching the other's. Lucas nodded, looking back at the garden, his foot tapping the ground.

Ritchie smiled softly, but it soon turned to a frown. Lucas bit his lip, continuing it in time with his taps. Ritchie walked up behind the contemplating God Slayer, he wrapped his arms around the smaller one, snapping Lucas out of his state.

"Sorry.." Lucas said again, looking down as he tensed sightly. Ritchie let out a sigh, "It's not your fault. Just... Relax." Lucas nodded, focusing on the warmth of Ritchie's arms around him.

Lucas turned around, wrapping his arms around Ritchie, his eyes downcast. "You know it's not your fault, it's just a habit." Lucas looked up at Ritchie, the latter smiling down at him. Lucas leaned up, silently asking. Ritchie chuckled leaning down as their lips connected.

"Thank you." Lucas murmured as their lips separated, "Of course." Lucas wrapped his arms tightly around Ritchie once more.

A/N: Needed some fluff..

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