(OoO) Spreading your Wings..

937 15 2

Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: None

Type: Angst

Warnings: Mentions of Suicide.


Forgotten.. How does it feel to be forgotten..

Bryan let out a soft sigh, laying his head against his door. He could hear Bri laughing excitedly at her presents, he knew it was stupid to be so.. Jealous, but for heaven sake, him and Bri had the same birthday. Mother had always favored Bri over Bryan, always making it apparent.

Bryan had given up hope in ever being a part of their family, Mother could care less if he died or lived, though he could already think that she would be more happier if he died. What if.. His eyes traveled to his sword, he quickly shook his head.

He couldn't.. But.. He grabbed his sword, standing up as he stared out the window. What if he.. He opened his window, taking a step out. It was a long drop to earth, seeing as they lived on a floating cloud in the heavens. But Bryan had wings, he would live.. He looked towards his door, spreading his wings. "It's time to spread my wings.. And fly.." He jumped.

A/N: just some angst.

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