(AU) Walking again.

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: You'll find out soon.. If you can't tell already.

Type: Idk anymore, Drama??

Warnings: Harsh Language near the end.


Castiel glared at the wall, he looked at Cal. Cal had an amused smirk on his face, "You ready to try walking again?" Castiel glared at him, which made Cal laugh slightly. "Come on, up and at 'em." Castiel grumbled, grabbing Cal's hand.

"Do we have to do this now..?" Castiel asked, Cal shook his head at Castiel. "If you want to get out of here, yes." Castiel looked away from Cal, his nose picking up a scent.

"There's someone here.." His eyes caught movement, he looked back at Cal. He was walking towards the door. He opened it, bending down to pick something up.

Castiel moved closer, sniffing the air. He glared at the ground, he saw something drop at his feet. "It was a package.. It's for you.." Castiel sniffed it, his eyes widened. He pushed it away. He looked back up at Cal, he shook his head.

"I don't want it... It's from.. Him.." Cal's eyes showed angry, he sighed. Calming down.

"Let's get back to walking.." Castiel nodded, he crawled over to the matt, Cal stood in front of him. He glared at the ground, he sighed. Getting up slowly, he bit back a whimper. He felt a hand on his back, he stood.

He whimper sightly as he put pressure on his injured leg. "It hurts Cal." He heard Cal sigh.

"Come on, I believe in you." Castiel nodded, he took a step forward. Pain shot up his leg, he took another step. Cal held onto his arm, helping him move. He took another step, he felt more pain. He took a few more steps, until he leaned onto the wall.

"Can we please be done..?" He heard a sigh, until he felt Cal's hand leave his back. He leaned down, sitting on the floor.

He whimpered, pain was shooting up his leg. He felt Cal sit next to him, he leaned on Cal. The minty hair boy just leaned his head on Castiel's.

"I'll be here, you made progress today. Now get some rest." Castiel faintly nodded, humming a song again. He then fell into deep sleep.

Cal's POV (Bet you weren't excepting this.)

Cal felt Castiel fell asleep, Cal smiled softly at the Panther. "I believe in.. I'll help you, I'll keep you away from that dick of a dad." He leaned his head on the wall, keeping his eyes open.

A/N: Wow.. More of this weird story is coming together. At first this started as writing practice, then it came to this.. So wooo.. I love Castiel, I say this all the time. But I love him, way to much. I might make a little info chart about him.. 

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