(AU) "Y-You're a F-Fairy.."

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Hm..

Type: AU

Warnings: Harsh Language at some points..


I personally had always thought that all fairies were evil, the school and society had always told us that. My mother had always told me that, me and my brother had always believed it, why wouldn't we? She was our mother, and we believed everything she told us.

"Brother!" My brother Brandon ran in, tackling me. We fell to the ground, Brandon laying on top of me. "Geez! A little warning?!" I said, pushing Brandon off. Brandon fell to the ground, pouting at me. "Hmph!" He got up, crossing his arm looking away from me. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior, going up behind him and ruffling his hair.

"What is it?" I smiled mischievously, "little Brother" He turned around and glared at me, I laughed in my hand. He pushed me sightly, "Mother and Father want to see us." Brandon finally said, I sighed. I nodded towards the door, "Then let's go, wouldn't want to make them mad."


The rain pattered against the castle's walls, horrible weather was always a bad sign, but at the moment I could care less. "Get back here Prince Ritchie!" The guards feet pounded against the cobble, I looked over my shoulder, cursing. They were catching up, not my fault I didn't want to get married to a bitch. Hopefully Brandon would be okay though, I hadn't even thought of it. I made it to the wall, abruptly stopping my thoughts and my run. I looked behind me, backing up as the guards got closer.

I looked back at the wall, biting my lip. I grabbed a loose part of the wall and pulled myself up, hoping that I could be fast enough, though the rain made it slippery. "Prince! Get down from there!" I looked back down, my hand slipping sightly. I tighten my grip, pulling myself onto of the wall. I looked down at them, one seemed as if they were ready to catch me if I fell the others were looking for the easiest exit out of the castle's wall, which they probably should've know. "My prince! Please come down!" The guard with their arms open said, I looked out to the horizon. "Sorry." I saluted, jumping off the wall, a bad idea on my part as now my leg ache. I continued running though, knowing that wouldn't stop them for long.


I had been running for hours, the rain had gotten worse but I kept going, knowing a little rain would never stop the guard. My feet slushed in the wet mud, probably ruining my shoes. "Find the Prince! The king will have our hide if we don't!" My eyes widened, I took a deep breath, looking around for a hiding place. My eyes spotted a cave, there was a sliver of light coming from it. I looked back through the trees, then booked it towards the cave, not realizing the noise my feet made.

I ran inside the cave, slowing down once I figured it was safe. "Hello? Anyone here?" The place looked homey, definitely used. I heard grumbling, my eyes widened. "Uhm... d-dont hurt m-me.." I squeaked out, backing up a little. A man walked out, his hair falling in his eye, he looked scary, but that not what caught my eye. "You're a f-fairy..." He cursed. "Fuck."


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