(FTO) Maid Dresses

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: David x Brandon

Type: Embarrassing but humorous

Warning: None


How did David get himself in this situation? All David remember was being dragged by Kit and Mania and thrown an outfit. And here he was now, in a maid dress.

He groaned while Kit fangirled, Mania was also in a maid dress jumping up in down. "You two look amazing!" Kit exclaimed.

"Why am I even wearing this!?" David half yelled, not wanting to draw attention to the house.

"Because I needed test subjects, and you were the only boy I could find so. There!" Kit said, she walked up to David and tried to pat him on the head. But he was too tall, so she settled with patting him on the shoulder. David just groaned.

"When can I change?" Suddenly the door opened, And of course in walked Mario, Brandon, Ritchie, and Devin. 'Great' David thought.

"Uhm... Kit...? Why is Mania and David in.. Maid dresses?" Ritchie asked, staring at the fire user. David was trying to unsuccessfully hide behind Kit.

"They're my test subjects!" Kit said it like it was normal, like how one might say it was warm outside.

"Kit.. You do realize you can't keep people in maid dresses... " Brandon cut in, though he did seem to have a light blush on his face, Kit just smirked evilly.

"Are you saying... You don't enjoy the site of David in a maid dress?" To say both Brandon and David were blaring red would've been an understatement.

"Uh... Uhm..." Brandon tried to speak yet all that came out was incomplete words. Richie just stared at his brother and Kit in shock.

"Are you saying... That... My... Brother.. Has a crush on David?!" Ritchie yelled, That caused Brandon to hide his face in his hands.

"Maybe.. Maybe not.." And with that Kit skipped off. Leaving 2 very flustered boys and 4 confused people.


A/N: Hehe, it wasn't as shippy as I would've like but... I do need to get other requests done, though I did like this one a little to much. All I could think about when Brandon just kept looking at David when he had no shirt on was 'ship' I'm surprised he didn't tell him to put his shirt on like he normal did.. 

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