(FTO) Brothers..

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Fandom: Fairytale Origins

Ship: None

Type: Fluff?

Warnings: Hm.


Brandon hummed as the scolding hot tea bit at his tongue, he sighed gratefully. He would have to thank Devin for the brew, “Brother? Are you in here?” Brandon looked up, Ritchie walking into the room. “Hello Brother. Is there a reason you’re looking for me?” Brandon word dripped with distaste, Ritchie sighed, coming closer to his glaring brother. “I know you’re mad at me.” Brandon raised an eyebrow, clutching his teacup tighter, feeling the warmth seeping into his hands.

“You think? You never tell me things!” Ritchie guilty looked down, his eyes flicked back up to Brandon as he felt newfound courage. “I’m sorry.” Brandon hummed, looking away from Ritchie as his eyes flicked towards the window. “And I’m not.” Ritchie chuckled, going closer to Brandon until he was sat right next to him.

“Of course, you aren’t.” Brandon smiled sightly, looking back at his brother. “Though truly. I’m sorry.” Brandon hummed again, cuddling into Ritchie, his head falling onto the lightening slayer’s shoulder. “I know. And you should be.” Ritchie laughed, rolling his eyes fondly at his brother. “I should be, shouldn’t I?” Brandon nodded, taking a sip of his tea. “Mhm...” Ritchie smiled, bringing Brandon closer to him, “Thank you.” Ritchie whispered into Brandon’s hair, “You’re welcome...”

A/N: Not me and my friend talking in different accents during Math, he's funny as fuck. Also, be real, how many of y'all actually read these all the through? And, how many have y'all read Bloody Letters? Cause I'm going to be giving it it's own book and that'll be where the finale and epilogue will be, so yeah.

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