(Bloody Letters) Lily..

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus AU

Ship: Uh soonn

Type: AU

Warnings: Harsh Language, and some sensitive topics.


A person sat in front of a camera, they smirked. They pressed a button, " *********, please torture the girl." A man looked up at the camera, he smiled, nodding. The person changed the camera, a girl was tied to a chair. She had tears rolling down her face, leaning backwards, she tried to scream as the man cut into her leg, the gag stopped her. The person smiled evilly, taking a picture.

They grabbed a trash phone, sending the police a message. "This will be fun..." They chuckled.


Davis yawned, leaning back in his chair. The only bad part about being an officer had to be the hours and well.. Blood. "DAVIS!" He jumped, he looked over at Lychee. "Why the fuck are you yelling!?" Lychee glared, grabbing Davis by his arm and dragged him towards the meeting room.

Nad, Mario, Cal, Xylo, Austin, Bri, and Mania were all in the room, looking at the monitor. Davis looked at it, his eyes widening.

"Holy shit.. They're getting ruthless.." Lychee nodded grimly, Cal ran a hand threw his hair. He set papers on table, Davis raised an eyebrow. "They're good.. They used a break phone.." Davis groaned, sitting down along with Lychee.

"How would we even find them then?" Mania asked, looking at the picture. Nad clicked his tongue, "We take clues from the pictures.. If only we knew atleast one fact about the suspect.." Nad said, looking closely at the picture.

Lychee snapped his fingers suddenly, making the others look at him. He pointed at the girl in the picture, "Did we find her file yet?" Cal nodded, pulling a folder out of his bag. He slid it over to Lychee, Lychee read over it.

"Well, we know one thing for sure. She's connected to the murderer.." Lychee stated, documenting it on the screen.

Lily Haven



Appearance: Red Hair, Brown Eyes


Davis clicked his tongue, letting out a sigh. "So Lychee, you going to explain?" Lychee smiled, getting up and walking up to the monitor. He changed the image, showing pictures of other victims.

"They all had something in common, the murderer had always left something that was important to the victim.." He took a breath. "One thing that would farther proof this, is talking to her family and friends.." Davis nodded, Lychee went back and sat down. Davis in turn stood up, walking to the front of the room. Changing the image back to the picture of Lily sent by the murderer.

"Me, Cal, Lychee, Xylo, and Austin will go check out Lily's family. While Nad, Mario, Bri, and Mania will go talk to her friends. Get your stuff and go home, I'll see you here bright and early." Davis dished out orders, the others nodded. The other got up, getting their stuff ready. Lychee came up to him as others left.

"Ready to go home?" Davis nodded sightly, slinging his arm around his brother's shoulders. "Yup, I'm sure Riccaro will be cooking dinner." Lychee smiled, rolling his eyes. "Come on idiot, let's get home."

A/N: whelp, don't worry this will only be a small series thing. But yeah, let's see if anyone can figure out the murderer, have fun y'all. Maybe even the apprentice, have fun. 

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