(OoO) Baking.

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus.

Ship: Possibly! Nad x Dran

Type: Fluffy

Warnings: None.

Prompt: Nad wants to learn how to bake


Nad was interested, more then interested then be honest. "Can you teach me how to bake?" Dran looked surprised, but eventually nodded, smiling softly at the Viking. "Of course, meet me tomorrow in my bakery." Nad nodded.

And sure enough he had, Dran had already readied the kitchen, baking supplies covering the wooden countertops. Nad seemed surprised by all the work Dran was doing, even more surprised about how much Dran had helped him.

"Done!" Dran patted his hands together, flour powder fluttering everywhere in the air. Flour powdered the counters, making Nad sheepishly apologize for the mess. Dran just laughed softly, "It's fine Nad, I was expecting a mess anyways." Nad laughed heartily, smiling at Dran. "Though you should really learn how to not make a mess." Dran teased Nad, making Nad roll his eyes fondly as he smiled.

"Hm.. Maybe you should as well..." Dran tilted his head in confusion, only to yelp as he got covered in flour. "Hey!" Nad laughed, only for it be broken as he got covered flour back. "Hey!" Nad yelped, wiping his eyes.

They eventually started throwing random baking ingredients, laughing as they hit eachother. They both fell to the ground, breathlessly laughing, they calmed down lightly, small giggles still falling out of their mouths. They basked in the presence of happiness, still giggling at eachother.

A/N: Fluff, based of my one prompt I made.

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