(Theories) Some Odd Thoughts, Glowsick

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Fandom: OoO and OZ

Type: Theory

Warning: Mentions of Death and self harm, also spoilers for people who haven't watched OZ from Leo, Lucas's, David's, or Cookie's POV.


So, this is just something I was thinking about... What if, Cal was Lucas from OZ? Like, cause in the final we were left with David dying and Lucas, Leo, and Cookie leaving.

So what if the whole entire apocalypse was erased from everyone's memories expect for the people who were in it. And Lucas, Leo, and Cookie spilt up to be with the remains of their Family.

Eventually people heard rumors about the apocalypse and stuff like that, and they started to say that Lucas killed his friends. Which made Lucas hate himself, he began to get tired of being Lucas. So he dyed his hair and the reason the bandages are on him is because he used to do self harm when he stopped he couldn't get them off..

After he changed his look, he took his middle name instead of his first. And he became Cal.

It's stupid, but we know like nothing about him. And it's kinda interesting.

That's enough odd thoughts from Sun.. Do you guys have any thoughts on this?

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