(SDS) "Have you ever loved someone so much it hurt?"

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Fandom: Seven Deadly Sins

Ship: Ritchie x Michael, slight Brandon x David

Type: AHH

Warnings: AHHH

Requested by: Amycatlovely


Ritchie stared at the wilting flower in his hand, twirling it every so often. "Aye! Lust boy!" He sighed, rolling his eyes as he got up. "What David?!" He asked, turning around as he stared at the sin of pride, who was currently holding an asleep Michael and Brandon. "A little help here?" Ritchie rolled his eyes, picking up the captain of the team, allowing David to hold Brandon more securely. "Why were you just sitting out here?" David questioned as they began walking towards their shared house.

Ritchie's eyes drifted to Michael's sleeping form, "Have you ever loved someone so much, that it hurts?" David stopped abruptly as he turned to face the sin of lust. "No, not really. I've loved someone but not that it hurts.. Why?" Ritchie just sighed, beginning to walk again. "No reason, it was stupid anyways.." David just raised an eyebrow, the rest of the walk being silent, the only sound being the birds chrips.


Ritchie yawned, blinking his eyes to get rid of the blurriness that formed in his eyes. "Ritchie! Wake up!" Michael's voice broke through, a sudden pain on his leg. "I'm up!" Ritchie yelped, falling off his bed. He heard small giggles as he looked up to see Michael, he smiled sightly. "Hah! Oh my god! Pfft!" Giggles kept slipping out of Michael's mouth, each one more beautiful then the last. What!? Stop sounding gay Ritchie! Michael eventually calmed down, a few giggles slipping out here and there.

"Wow! We- We should go downstairs. Pfft!" Michael ran off downstairs, still occasionally giggling. Ritchie frowned, his smiled dropping as thoughts welled in his mind. "God.. Why do I have to have a crush on someone who would never love me.." Ritchie murmured under his breath, getting up to go downstairs, ready to be insulted.


The sins were on patrol currently, Ritchie lagging behind as the others kept joking. Michael still laughing from what happened before, "Anyways Cap, is it just me or is Ritchie being unusually quiet?" David asked, looking back at Ritchie as if Ritchie couldn't hear. Michael looked back as well, stopping in his tracks. "Yes.. That is true, why are you being so quiet Ritchie?" Ritchie looked up, his hair falling sightly in his face. "Uh.. Just a lot on my mind." Michael hummed, the other sins walking again.

"I'm not an idiot you know." Ritchie looked up suddenly, seeing that Michael was walking with him while the other sins were in the front. "What do you mean?" Ritchie chuckled nervously, Michael sighed, grabbing Ritchie's shoulder making them both stop. "Why are you so.. Depressed as of late?" Ritchie looked down, "It's nothing.. We should probably catch up with the others." Ritchie moved to walk away, only to be pulled back to Michael.

"You seem to forget I don't give up easily, why won't you just tell me what's wrong? Is it because of what happened this morning? Cause if so I didn't mean to, I just thought it would've brought you back to how you were." Ritchie's heart started beating after finding out how much Michael cared for him. "It wasn't because of that.. I-..." He mumbled under his breath, Michael tilted his head. "Hmm?" Ritchie looked down, blushing heavily. "I-... I guess on of the reasons is, I like this person.. But I don't think they like me back. In fact I know they don't like me back.."

Michael frowned, "How do you know?" Ritchie laughed depressingly, "Because it's you." Michael's eyes widened, a small blush forming on his face. "You- You like me?" He squeaked out, his voice cracking. "Yeah.. So you can hit me-" His words cut off, lips eating them hungrily. His eyes fell close, pulling Michael closing to him, tingling everytime their body touched. Eventually they needed air, Michael reluctantly letting go of Ritchie's lips. "I love you." Michael said, breathlessly. Ritchie chuckled, "I love you too."

Sudden clapping noises were heard, their heads jolting to look over. David was laughing loudly as he kept patting Brandon on the back, the sin of sloth blushing sightly. "Oh my god! We looked away for a few seconds!" David kept laughing as Brandon rolled his eyes fondly. "Oh I wouldn't be laughing now David, soon we'll be the ones laughing." Michael said, smirking as Brandon's face lit up red.

"Now let's get going shall we."

A/N: why you always in a mood, anywho, not as angsty as I like but it's something I suppose. Anywho, I won't be as active as I want to be this week and the following as I'm moving this week, and I have a lot of schoolwork to get done before the end of this week when we are moving. So yeah,

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