(FTOS4) Finally Over. [Part 2 of Darkness]

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Slight! Onesided! Rian x Eden


Warnings: None

Part two of Darkness.


Inmo hummed, he had only been in the Garden for a few months now, it seemed almost homey all of a sudden. Yet there was still a sinking feeling in his stomach he couldn't get rid of, sure people had welcomed him with almost open arms, yet there was something dark about them.

Inmo wrapped his tail around him, stiffing as he heard yelling, he turned towards it, his curiosity getting the better of him. He tiptoed towards the voices, they seemed to be male, which made sense seeing as the guild was full of them.

"It doesn't matter!" Inmo tilted his head, he recognized the voice. It seemed to be Eden, though Inmo was still confused. What was he yelling about?

"It kinda does though Eden! If Michael finds you-.." The voice trailed off, Inmo knew the voice. It seemed to be Rian, he seemed on edge for some reason.

"They'll never find him! Don't worry about it!" Eden yelled, Inmo heard a soft whimper, guessing that it was Rian. "I-.. of course.." Rian gave up, Inmo could already imagine Rian's head held low.

Inmo quickly skittered away as he heard heavy footsteps approaching, he sat back down at the place he was before. Seeing both Rian and Eden approach him, "Inmo." Eden's voice was blank and heavy, making Inmo shiver sightly.

"Yes Eden?" Inmo tilted his head, playing an innocent aura. "Watch Rian while I leave, I have some.. Business I had to attend to." Inmo seemed confused but nodded, looking towards Rian whose head was held low.

"What about Josh?" Inmo questioned before Eden walked away, Eden turned towards him slowly, a smirk playing his face. "Oh.. That's the business." There was a different intent in his voice, Inmo shivered at it, yet nodded, seeing Eden turn and walk away, his heavy footsteps echoing away.

"I-Inmo..?" Inmo turned at the mention of his name, Rian was shifting on his feet, discomfort shown in his statue. "Yeah?" Rian looked up at Inmo, his eyes pleading.

"Follow him.. Please.." A single tear fell from Rian's eyes, a weakness Rian had yet to shown in front of anyone. Inmo nodded, his eyes harsh. "Stay here.." Rian nodded, softly taking Inmo's hand before he walked away. "K-Keep him safe..." Inmo smiled brightly, his childish aura shining through.

"Of course, I'll keep him safe. Though you should make your crush less visible!" Rian blushed, swallowing thickly as Inmo giggled at him. "Bye!" Inmo ran off, leaving Rian a blushing mess.


Inmo tailed behind Eden, his tail coming in handy whenever he needed to pull himself up. Eden had yet to notice him, still pulling Josh along behind him, Josh cowering behind Eden as he covered his face.

Inmo tailed them all the way to the Magic Councils meeting area, Inmo bit his lip, confused at what Eden would be playing at, was Eden trying to get himself caught?

His question was soon answered as Eden floated up at the area, there was talking coming from the top, leading Inmo to assume that there was a meeting in order. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the magic Council?" Eden's voice came from the top, yelling ensuing after his words.

Suddenly the yelling stopped, Eden floating back down. The Magic Council behind him, their eyes showed anger, Michael's the most. "What do you want Eden?!" Ritchie demanded, making the imagery wizard chuckle. "Oh.. Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie.. Always so.. Selfish."

Ritchie glared at Eden, growling as demon markings appeared on his body. Eden smirked at Ritchie and the others, as they also got in fighting stances, raising an eyebrow.

"Eden give him up!" Silver, leader of the wandering coins, stepped up. Looking at Josh pleadingly, his eyes held guilt and remorse for Josh. Inmo cocked his head to the side, already sensing something bad was going to happen.

"Hah, make me." Eden's voice dripped with venom, Inmo's eyes widened as the fight began, he almost wanted to run in and stop it. But.. Ritchie's words came back to him.

As the fight progressed, Inmo became more and more worried for the guild leaders, who even though they had the advantage in numbers, were losing. The fight got more bloody as time passed, Inmo had finally made up his decision, he grabbed his knife, running into the battle. He stood in front of the guild leaders, facing Eden. "Stop." Eden glared, his eye twitching.

"I suggest you move, before you become one of them." Eden's words dripped with disgust, Inmo still not standing down. "No." Inmo said, glaring back at Eden, who know was advancing towards Inmo. Eden held his sword in his hand, his fingers turning white with how tight he was holding.

Inmo's eyes flickered towards the sword, jumping up just in time. Eden growled, "I recommend you stop." Inmo shook his head, not daring to back down.

"Fine then." And so the battle commenced, sometime in it the guild leaders joining in, getting over their initial shock. The battle went on for who knows how long, both sides getting pushed back.

"Eden." The battle stopped, allowing Michael to pin Eden to the ground. Rian stepped forward, his eyes held sadness, Inmo immediately felt guilty. He had said that he would keep Eden safe, yet it seemed his paths mixed. Rian looked down, "Don't blame yourself Inmo." Inmo tilted his head at Rian's sudden words, a single tear fell from Rian's face.

"It was bounded to happen." Ritchie stepped forward, looking at his counterpart with curiosity, Rian just stared back at him. "Hello." Was all that left Rian's mouth, the staring contest continuing, until Ritchie hugged his counterpart. Rian seemed confused, yet allowed more tears to fall.

The day was over. Michael grabbed Eden, saying a few threats before walking off with him to hopefully get Devin back. Everything seemed fine, Rian hugged Ritchie tighter as he saw Eden stare back at him with a glare.

Inmo stepped forward, hugging Rian from behind. "It's over." Rian sniffled, crying.

A/N: If anyone can tell me what I made, I will be thankful. Feel like I made an entirely new storyline, but like idk.

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