(FTO) Snow Day

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Slight! Devin x Ritchie

Type: Fluff

Warnings: Bleh


Laughter filled the cold air as the children, known as Divinus Magia, ran around in the snow, courtesy to David, another part of Divinus Magia. Today was the first day of snow, and in celebration, they had decided to spend the whole day outside.

Right now they were currently running around in the snow, basting in their childish glories, I mean, who could blame them? After all that had happened, they deserved it. Currently everyone was running around, rather it be a snowball fight or a snow angel competition.

Devin and Ritchie were building a snowman, or rather trying to build a snowman... Inmo kept blowing up or/and getting the way, so trying they did.

David, Plant, Lucas, and Blake were having a snowball fight, couple verses family. Currently David and Plant were winning, totally not because a certain ice mage was cheatig- Pfft, never..

Brandon and Mario were talking quietly in a small part on the garden close to the entrance, drinking hot coco as they dodged as many snowballs as they could. Which wasn't much.. But such details weren't needed.

And of course as you had heard before, Inmo was running around, creating chaos as he blew up in excitement. Occasionally throwing snow at the Guild Hall.

Most of the others were either ice shaking, having a snow fight, making snow angels, or making snowmans, or simply just walking around ooing at the frozen flowers, not daring to her close though.

As the day ended, the guild of Divinus Magia slowly calmed down, meeting in the guild Hall as they all drank hot coco. Most of them were shivering, cuddling up to either friends or family, or love interest in Devin and Ritchie's case.

Devin and Ritchie were cuddled up on a bench, smiling and laughing as they drank hot coco. Both of them blushing sightly as Kit and Laura cooed at then.

David, Brandon and Plant were platonically cuddling near the bar as they talked quietly, Brandon occasionally glancing at Devin and Ritchie. Plant was basically the heart of the talk, talking quickly as they smiled brightly.

Mario was trying to talk to Kit and Laura, keyword being trying, Kit and Laura were both giggling and cooing at Ritchie and Devin, making it hard for him to actually being able to talk to them. Eventually he had given up and decided to hang out with Inmo, who also wasn't much of company, but what could you do?

The rest were all talking, some actually leaving to go home. All one could say, is that it was a successful Snow Day.

A/N: Give me some motivation plz- this is a cry for help-

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