(FTO) Damn Magic Potions.

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Magic Potion
Who created it and what happens when it's used?

Fandom: Fairytail Origins.

Ship: Jericho x David

Type: Fluff..?

Warnings: David is not Aromantic in this.

Question of the Fic: Favorite Movie? 

Mine: Okay now that's hard.. I'd have to say Black Beauty though.. It's made me cry but is also really good. 


Ms. P smiled as she held a potion, "Oh, this will definitely be good revenge.. Time to go find Snowflake!" She skipped away, off to find her victim.


David groaned, "What the hell was that?!" Ms. P smiled above him. Ms. P had shown up out of the blue and splashed a potion on him, making him dizzy.

"Oh, just a test.. I'm sure nothing will happen.. Though I should have Polly watch over you just incase." David glared at Ms. P as he got up, he groaned and put a hand on his head.

"Fuck..." Then everything went black...


David woke up in his bed, Lucas and Plant were standing over him. He groaned, catching the attention of the others. "Oh my god, are you okay David? I found you passed out in the garden." David squinted, his eyes getting adjusted to the light. He looked at Lucas, his vision clearing a bit. His eyes widened,

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" He jumped up, above Lucas' head was a monitor of some sorts. It showed a heart next to a picture of Blake.

"What the hell!?" Lucas grabbed David's shoulders, shaking him softly. "I-.. Oh my god.. I can see whatever the fuck that is!" David pointed at the top of Lucas' head, Lucas looked up confused.

"What are you talking about?" David just sighed, Explaining the thing about Ms. P. By the end of the explanation, Lucas was looking through multiple books. "Ah ha!" He pointed at a page, showing it to David.

Love Monitor, A potion that only skilled potion makers can make. It can make the user who it is splashed on see Love Monitors until they find their true love..

Some Side Effects of this Potion include.. If you don't finish and find your true love you could either lose your magic or have nothing happen.

Love Monitors: A Monitor that appears above people's head that show their true love.

David's eyes widened, "I don't want to lose my magic!" He looked away, starting to pace around the room. "Oh my god... How the fuck do I find my true love?! When does this even decide you've had enough time?!" Lucas clicked his tongue.

"I have bad news.. It says here that the potion shall decide at about sunset of the end of the day you've been splashed.." David sat down, swallowing thickly.

"I was splashed around morning time... How long have I been asleep..? This took about 30 minutes so.." Lucas bit his lip, pointing outside. The sun was at the top of the sky. David groaned, "Oh god I'm going to die.." Lucas hugged David, while Plant hugged David's leg.

"Don't be optimistic, all we have to do is check all of the guilds... " Lucas sighed, letting go of David. "Now come on!" David just rolled his eyes but followed Lucas, Plant tagging along.


"Well, that's Divinus Magia and The Protectors Guild done... Now Grimshade and La Carnival." Lucas said, as he checked off Names from his checklist. David sighed, resting his head on his head. They were heading towards Grimshade next, as they decided to get the islands done first.

"Who's even in Grimshade again?" David asked, looking over his shoulder at Lucas. The latter looked down at his list, clicking his tongue as he went.

"Allomus... Viper.. Marsh...-" "Well, we can cross those three out" David butted in, Lucas looked up and glared at him. "... Colin... Seek.... Jericho.. And that's all." David sighed, looking back out at the water.

"I hate that crazy old bat.." Lucas just chuckled softly, walking up to the sail as the reached land.

"Come on.. Time to go." David sighed.


They walked towards the Grimshade building, the leaves crunching under their feet. Lucas went in first, looking around. "So.. Who do we start with?" Lucas asked as he looked around, trying to find someone.

"Let's just start with the first person we se-" David's pupils turned into hearts, he whimpered softly. Holding his head, Lucas looked over at David concerned. Until his eyes landed on Jericho,

"Jericho!" Jericho looked over at them, smiling until he saw the state David was in. He rushed over, holding David's arm. "What happened?" He asked as he held onto David.

Lucas just sighed, circling a name. And then gave his notes to Jericho, Jericho's eyes slid over the notes. His eyes widened at the last part.. "What?!" David looked up at Jericho, then immediately looked down. Whimpering in pain, Jericho's eyes softened. He handed the paper back to Lucas then picked up David bridal style.

"You can leave now.. I'll make sure he's okay." Jericho then walked away, leaving Lucas alone with Plant.


David whimpered as he cuddled into Jericho's side, he could feel his magic reaching out to Jericho. The latter ran his hands through David's hair every so often.

"Hey... It's okay.." David curled up, sniffling sightly. "Get some rest okay.." David nodded sightly, clutching Jericho's sweater he fell asleep.

Jericho smiled softly, kissing David's forehead. "Goodnight.. I love you.." The sun set in the background, casting a warm glow in the room.

A/N: Wee.. I have a horrible headache and I have to get my blood drawn tomorrow.. Yippie..so here y'all go..  

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