(FTOAU) How does one breathe?

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins AU?

Ship: None

Type: Angst? AU

Warnings: Mentions of Suicide.


How.. Does one breathe..?

Devin took a huge breath, erupting from the water, pushing his hair from his face. "That was a new record! 45. 9 Seconds!" Devin looked up tiredly, seeing Michael squeal at the New record. Michael looked towards Devin, hurriedly grabbing Devin's towel as he got out. Devin wrapped his towel around his neck, looking over Michael's shoulder at the timer.

"Hm.." Devin hummed, turning around to search his bag. Michael raised an eyebrow at his distant. "What's up?" Michael asked curiously, tilting his head sightly. "Nothing, nothing.. Just.. Nothing." Devin seemed frustrated, stumbling over his words. Eventually he turned to look at Michael, taking a glance at the stopwatch before walking off with his clothes.

Michael hurriedly followed after him, struggling to keep pace with Devin's long strides. "Devin!" Devin and Michael stopped in their tracks, turning to look at Brandon, who had just walked in. Devin raised an eyebrow, groaning under his breath. "We need your help. It's.. Kit."


Sirens blared all around them, her body being the source of them, her eyes were lifeless, her body stiff with marks of a rope around her neck. Devin had known something was up, but he hadn't been fast enough. He had been the reason Kit would never see the light of day again, he was the reason. All because, "How does one breathe.."

A/N: Jeez, that got dark..

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