Gasping For Air

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Hello, my princes and princesses. This Little Meremaid!AU was requested by Dini_Stilinski_Hale, who is a sweetheart. 


        Stiles is lazily laying on a rock while Scott rests his head on the space in between his shoulder blades, and their tails tangle together under the water. Stiles' tail that is attached to his hips is a mixture of green and blue while Scott's is a shocking red color. “Can we go back now before your father worries?” Scott asks, and Stiles throws his head back to knock it against Scott's.

“Not yet. I haven't even got to see the ship again yet.” Stiles tells him, and Scott slips away to look at him. Stiles smiles at him, even through Scott looks at him nervously, and Stiles flips water at him with his tail. Stiles knows why his best friend is worried, Stiles' father was the god of the sea and he may or may not have told Stiles never to have any contact with humans.

According to John, Stiles' father, humans were savages that ruin everything they touch. Stiles was just curious, he just wanted to see what they were really like. He was finally going to get the chance since the same ship came down the same water way that Stiles liked to lounge in for the past two weeks everyday. “Fine. I'm going back.” Scott says, pushing back from the rock to sink down into the water. He's probably trying to get Stiles to follow him, but Stiles just waves at him.

Stiles watches as Scott disappears and he grins as he dives in the water to swim towards the ship when he sees it. It's raining, but that doesn't bother him. He can see people moving around on board, and he hides where they cannot see him. Stiles sees one of the people on board, and the man leans his hand back as he laughs. It's a beautiful sound, Stiles thinks, and he lays his head on his crisscrossed wrists. Stiles sometimes wishes that he was human, or that the man was a merman like him, so that maybe he could have a chance to just speak to him.

“Prince Derek!” Stiles hears, and he slips down more into the water so that he will not be seen. The man he was just looking at, Prince Derek he knows, turns his head to smile brightly at who ever just spoken to him. Stiles repeats Derek's name softly to himself, and he watches curious as Derek moves around the ship. He makes a mistake when Derek turns to look at him, and Stiles has to quickly slip back into the water to hide.

Stiles watches Derek look away, with a slight frown, and he moves to hide. It's getting dark now, Stiles knows he needs to head home but he just wants to stay a little bit more. The moon raises high in the sky, the rain still falling from the sky at a steady rate, and Stiles is just about to go home since he cannot see the ship anymore.

Stiles sighs to himself while he moves to go home, until he hears a loud splash. Stiles moves to dive under the water completely to see that it was Prince Derek. He must have fallen, and Stiles waits for him to start swimming but he doesn't. Stiles cautiously swims down to look at him better, and he suddenly remembers that his father told him that human's cannot breathe under water like he could.

Stiles rushes after Derek to drag him up towards the surface of the water, and once Stiles gets his head above water he can hear Derek's shallow breathing start up again. Derek is unconscious, his head lulls onto Stiles' shoulder. Stiles easily carries him to the shore, and he lays him partly on sandy shore since he cannot leave the water completely. Stiles is able to look at him better, and he is awestruck at how handsome Derek is. His dark black hair is stuck to his forehead, his eyes are still closed so Stiles isn't sure what color they are, and his clothes are clinging to his muscular body.

“I hope that you're okay, you're too pretty to be hurt.” Stiles whispers, brushing Derek's hair out of his face to look at him better. He's been thinking about humans entirely too much, if his father knew he would be furious, and Derek seems to capture most of his thoughts. He wonders if Derek would think about him if he knew Stiles. Not if he knew that Stiles was watching him, but if he knew Stiles fancied him.

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