We Rob Banks

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This was requested by OUATSuperWhoLock. Don't forget about my contest. 


        “I'm not waiting in the car again.” Stiles hisses, trying to grab Derek's arm as he moves to get out of the car. Derek leans back into the car to give Stiles a charming smile while he leans forward to brush his lips over Stiles', and Stiles sighs softly while he melts.

“I'll be in and out in two minutes.” Derek promises, and Stiles reaches across to shut the door before he can leave. “It's going to look strange if we're just sitting here.” Derek says, his voice taking on a sing song tone.

“I'm not going to be the guy that just drives the getaway car.” Stiles tells him, and Derek grins at him while he takes the gun from under the seat. “You are the worst. Two minutes then I'm coming in.” Stiles says, and Derek grins at him before kissing him again. Stiles watches as Derek opens the door before slamming it behind him, and he winks at him before making his way indoors. Stiles counts to ten before he hears the loud sound of the gun going off and he hears the people inside screaming loudly.

Derek walks inside the bank with a wide smile, he even holds the door open for a lady to leave, and when he is inside the bank for about fifteen seconds he shots the gun off into the air. Everyone inside the bank screams before they fall to the ground to stare at him in fear. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll gladly take everything in the bank if you please.” Derek calls, and the bank teller stares at him in fear. “Now.” Derek demands, looking at his watch to see that he has been inside for forty-five seconds already.

“You're Derek Hale.” She mutters, and Derek sighs loudly before hopping over the desk. He really doesn't want Stiles rushing in here after him, especially since Stiles told him he couldn't do it in that amount of time, and he heads for the vault.

“Yes, I am. Now open the vault, doll face.” Derek tells her, and she moves in front of him to open it quickly. Derek doesn't blame her, he and Stiles have quite the reputation for murder and violence, so it seems to motivate her into hurrying up. She throws bills after bills into the bag Derek gave her, and Derek waves as he makes his way out of the bank. “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your cooperation.” Derek announces, and he rushes towards the car where Stiles is waiting for him.

“Two minutes and ten seconds.” Stiles says, as he turns on the car to speed away.

“Shut up and drive.” Derek tells him, and Stiles laughs as he turn into a dirt road to lose the cops.


“Ten thousand dollars.” Stiles says, when he finished counting the money. They're in a hotel room now, one hundred miles from the bank, and Derek is laying on the bed while Stiles sits up to count the money. “Nice job, love.” Stiles says, and Derek smiles up at him.

“Thanks. That's three thousand more than last time.” Derek says, and Stiles makes a humming noise as he moves to crawl on Derek's chest. Derek wraps his arms around Stiles' waist to bring him closer for a kiss. Stiles balances his arms on either side of Derek's head to kiss him better, and Derek dances his finger over his side.

“That tickles, it isn't sexy.” Stiles tells him, and Derek laughs as he reaches up to kiss Stiles again.

“Where to tomorrow?” Derek asks, and Stiles sighs as he collapses to lay his head on Derek's shoulder.

“Let's go some place quiet for a while.” Stiles requests, and Derek nods his head as he flips Stiles over onto the bed with a loud growling noise making Stiles laugh in delight while he tries to get away. “Derek! No!” Stiles laughs, and Derek holds him down to rub his beard all over his face.

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