A Whole New World

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I'll stop writing Disney!AU's when I'm dead.


        “All this for a loaf of bed?!” Stiles screeches over his shoulder, leaning down just in time to avoid hitting his head on a low hanging beam. He cradles the bread closer to him while he moves to hide along the side of the buildings while one of the Hale's guards runs past it. When the man is far enough away Stiles laughs to himself as he breaks up the bread for himself, and he passes some off to some orphans on his way back to his home.

Stiles lives in the run down part of a roof on one of the housing buildings that Queen Talia put in for better living conditions for the poor. Granted, most people stay there when it rains to get off of the street. Stiles, however, has lived there for most of his life. He's lived on the streets, stealing food when he needs to, but he likes it well enough. Of course, no one wants to live on the streets for a living but he does what he can. He's lonely if he's being honest with himself, but that only comes in waves for him.

One of Stiles favorite things to do is to stare outside of the make shift window he has to stare at the palace. He wonders what the Queen and her son are doing at the same moment he is stealing food or living as a street rat.


“I have never been so disrespected in my life! Good luck marrying him away!” Jennifer Blake screams as she marches away with one of her high heel shoes in her hand as she storms past Queen Talia, and Talia tries to apologize along the way.

“Duchess, I am so sorry on behalf of my son.” Talia says, but Jennifer keeps walking towards the exits and Talia cuts herself as she watches the fourth suitor for her son's hand walk out of the door. It should be easy to find someone for Derek, he was quite the catch, but her son was making this difficult for her. “Derek Samuel.” Talia says, and Derek tries to look innocence as he buries his face into his pet wolf's fur.

“Oh, Mother. Erica was just playing, weren't you lovely?” Derek coos, and Erica nips at his fingers lovingly as she drops on of Jennifer's tacky shoes as Derek scratches under her chin.

“Derek, I am tired of you turning down every man and woman that asks for your hand. You have to get married.” Talia says, crossing her arms over her chest while looking at her son. Derek tries to avoid her gaze while he hugs Erica's furry body close to him, and he sighs as he stands up. Talia knows her son isn't keen on idea of marriage, but it's what royals do. Plus, Derek has always known that at some point he had to get married.

“Mother, I don't want to be forced into marriage. If I do get married, I want it to be for love.” Derek says, passionately. Erica licks his legs sweetly before she runs off to go play, and Derek is jealous over her freedom to move around as she pleases. No mother to tell her that she has to get married or tell her how to dress. Then again, she is a wolf so maybe Derek is just projecting his emotions here.

“Derek.” Talia says, and Derek waves her away. He knows what she is going to say, and he really doesn't have the patience for it. Talia sighs as she walks past him, and she pats his shoulder as she goes. Derek sighs as he looks at Erica, and he hears the doors shut to the palace.

“Erica, what am I going to do?” Derek asks, and Erica turns her hear towards the palace walls. “I've never been outside the palace walls what am I going to when I'm married?” Derek asks, sadly. Erica barks at him to show her concern, and Derek gives her a determined look. “I'm going outside of the palace. Just for tonight.” Derek says, and Erica barks her agreement.

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