Stiles Stilinksi's Terrible Guide To Wooing Derek Hale

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I had a shit day at work, so this is it. Shout out to flashdoggy. Blahk.


        Derek Hale turns over in his bed to get more comfortable, and he grumbles to himself when he feels the covers pool down around his knees. He sits up in bed to throw the covers off of the bed, why does he even need them Derek thinks, and he flops down face first to go back to sleep. It's early in the morning, not even six, so he can sleep for however long he wants to. It's early Saturday, but he did promise to take Lydia shopping since she was coming down this weekend to see her parents.

It was bittersweet for him to have his pack so spread out now, Jackson's in London, Scott and Stiles at Berkeley, Lydia in Boston, Erica and Boyd off somewhere (he'll have to check the latest postcard to make sure but he wants to say Egypt), and thankfully, Isaac was still with him to go to community college. He missed Stiles the most, the entire year of his senior he was a constant presences at Derek's loft that the apartment felt empty without him or his scent.

Stiles usually drove down at least once a month to see his father, so Derek usually saw him then. Stiles tried to go to the same community college as Isaac, Derek was excited about it until he found about his and Scott's full ride scholarship to go to the university, and they left on not so good terms. The first time Derek saw Stiles when he came back was tense to say the least, but they moved past it. Derek knew that Stiles was nervous about leaving his father, but he had to go since it was an opportunity he wouldn't get again.

Derek sighs in his sleep as he rubs his face against his pillow, almost completely back asleep when he hears his phone ring. Derek sighs loudly when he turns over to dig around on his floor to see who is it, if it's Peter he is going to scream because he knows how much he hates to get woken up, but it's Scott. Suddenly alert and awake, Derek hits the answer button as fast as he can. "Scott?" Derek says, he isn't panicking except that Scott never calls him this early unless it's a emergency.

"Hey, promise you won't be mad." Scott says, and Derek growls in annoyance as he flops down on the bed while he rubs his eyes.

"I promise to be very mad unless you tell me why the hell you are calling me before the sun is up." Derek says, he's allowed to be pissed since it's early. Nothing supernaturally scary happens anymore to him so he gets to sleep in now, even when Isaac clomps around when he gets ready for class Derek still sleeps through it.

"Okay, so don't be mad. I cannot stress that enough." Scott says, and Derek can practically see him running his hands through his hair. Derek can hear the sound of Scott's car while he drives, the blinker when he makes a turn, and then Derek realizes what he isn't hearing.

"Where is Stiles?" Derek says, he's really not panicking. Scott takes a sharp inhale of air, and Derek is already out of bed looking for his pants or something to put on.

"Okay, so." Scott says, but Derek cuts him off.

"Scott, where is Stiles?" Derek growls, his eyes flashing red. Scott cannot physically see Derek, but he squeaks some in surprise at the harsh tone that Derek uses.

"He's fine, but he's not really Stiles right now." Scott says, and that really doesn't answer any of Derek's mounting pile of questions.

"Scott." Derek says, and Scott sighs while Derek hears him hit the brakes at red light or stop sign.

"Okay, I'll explain everything in better detail but a witch turn him in a fox. With little sharp teeth that he likes to use to bite people who try to put him in a car." Scott says, and Derek stares blankly at his wall as he holds his phone to his ear.

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