Let's Get Physical (Mature Content)

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Requested by SexyBabyLumps and Caren_Styles


        Derek struggles to make it up the stairs of his loft, his legs and back twinging painfully as he walks up the slightly steep steps towards his apartment. His legs had been doing this after jogging for the past three weeks ever since he got out of his cast that was on his leg, and he really didn't want anyone worried about him. He had enough problems dealing with people worrying about him since his car accident that broke his leg, fractured his spine, and a lot of other problems. Specially his friends who glare at him suspiciously every time he winces when he bends over, and he really doesn't want to have to go to the doctor if they find out.

“You're doing it again.” Erica tells him, not even bothering looking up from her magazine. Derek doesn't bother saying anything to her, it's just sore muscles he's not a teenager anymore he's allowed to have sore muscles when he runs, and he goes to get himself something to drink.

“I'm just walking, Erica.” Derek tells her, and she looks at him bored before throwing her magazine down on the floor in front of Derek.

“Pick that up for me. Since you're not experiencing any trouble.” Erica says, and Derek glares at her before bending down. He gets halfway down before he hisses involuntary in pain, and Erica gives him a look of pity mixed with satisfaction. “See?” Erica tells him, and Derek glares at her. “You should work with Stiles.” She tells him, and Derek rolls his eyes.

“I'd rather develop a hump and use a wheelchair.” Derek tells her, and Erica gives him a bored look while thumbing through her phone.

“He'd come here, and he probably wouldn't charge you.” Erica tells him, and Derek rolls his eyes as he moves to stand up straight with a grim look. “Okay, you've officially lost your say in this. Stiles is coming over as soon as he can tomorrow, and you'll be there.” Erica tells him, and Derek looks like he wants to argue but the look on her face tells him that it isn't going to get him anywhere.

“I don't need a physical therapist, Er.” Derek tells her, and Erica shakes her head.

“That's not what your doctor said. He said it could help with your back and your leg.” Erica points out, and Derek groans in annoyance as he shakes his head.

“Fine, but not Stiles. He annoys the shit out of me, and he does it on purpose.” Derek tells her, and she looks at him uninterested as if to say it's Stiles of course he does it on purpose. “Anyone but Stiles.” Derek tries to argue with her.

“You two should just fuck already and get it over with.” Erica says, and Derek pushes her shoulder. He doesn't want to fuck Stiles, that's a lie, he would if Stiles was slightly less annoying. Okay, another lie. He's pretty sure if he tried to show interest in having sex with Stiles that he would get a cramp halfway through or Stiles would laugh and turn him down. Neither of which are things that Derek wants to have to deal with in the future. “Oh, would you look at that.” Erica says, holding up her phone in Derek's face. “Stiles said he'd be over here at noon tomorrow.” Erica says, a smirk in her voice that makes Derek's skin crawl.

“One time. That's it.” Derek tells her, and she hums.


Derek is laying on the couch, his back hurting so much he doesn't think he can move, when the doorbell rings. Derek groans quietly to himself while he moves, it's not going to happen for awhile until Erica gets home to give him one of those stupid muscle relaxers. “Derek?” Stiles calls, and Derek groans in annoyance. He really wishes that Stiles didn't make himself a key to his apartment, it's his fault for not talking it away from him when he found out. “Derek Samuel Hale?” Stiles calls, and Derek groans, in pain and annoyance, loud enough for Stiles to hear him.

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