Writing Tips!!!!

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Question(asked by sterekgotmelike): My question is that how can handle your own awesomeness? Like can you spare some for me? I need it. 

Answer: I cannot  handle my own awesomeness because I'm not awesome. Like, at all. None what so ever. Thanks though :)

Question(asked by doorsareodd-xx): How long have you been writing? Being an aspiring writer myself who looks up to your work (the quality and the storylines. Like Sterek for life), I just wanted to know how long you've been writing. Because you are insanely talented.

Answer: First of all never stop writing, you keep writing and being awesome. I'm so amazed that anyone would ever look up to my writing, so thank you so much. I've been writing on this site for almost a year and that's when I started putting enough into my writings so since I was eighteen. But I've always loved doing it, so I thought why not share it. 

Question(asked by A_Seraphims_Wings): Do you plan on being an author or a English teacher of some sort? Cause I think you'll be an amazing teacher with you vast imagination and quick thinking.

Answer: I do plan on being a teacher,but no sure if I'm going to teach English. I have no plans on being a published author. I write here because it's sort of an escape from me, but I couldn't imagine doing it for a living. 

Question(asked by ndanillee): for FT&NM (btw my absolute favorite) did you do alot of research for it ? because the details are all to real and seem so planned and thought about. Especially Stiles' character. I mean seriously! You changed him completely without changing him at all and it makes me forget sometimes when I read other stories that this is not the same Stiles. 

Answer: I do research for everything I write if I'm not sure what exactly I'm writing about. One of the things I research about FT&NM was how to as accurately as possible portray Stiles. I read about this case about a woman named Genie who was a feral child after having limited human contact except with her father who would beat her. It really wasn't the way I wanted to portray Stiles, but it was interesting. There's a lot of things about my fox Stiles that people don't connect like I do, obviously because I'm the writer, but it's interesting to think about his back story. 

Question(asked by Shake_n_Blake): Do you listen to music when you write? Is there anything you do that helps you write? Bc I can't find anything for myself, writing just comes and goes when it pleases, which is a real bitch.

Answer: I do listen to music, it helps me write. I think when I hear a certain song, it makes my mind work to help me focus. It's always helpful to step away, and do something else which usually makes ideas come to me. Also, don't write in first person because that makes me have writers block. 

Question(not sure if they want me to put their name): How do you write smut that isn't awkward?

Answer: Alright, friends, sit down because this is going to be interesting and informative. Before I start, know that I am a cis female, so anything I write about male on male intercourse  I cannot write from experiences. I'm going to make bullet points for convenience.

*Don't write smut if you are not comfortable with it. Period. If someone keeps asking you to, don't do if you don't want. 

*Try to make the scene as realistic as possible. Ways to do this:

*Make the characters clumsy and nervous if it's their first time. 

*Lube. Seriously. Lube. They (homosexual males) don't stick in their dry, okay? No. Ow. 

* Assholes are not like vaginas. Girls don't need to stretched to make room for penis's(penises? Penisi?). Our vaginas naturally expand when aroused. So when writing straight smut don't have the male stretch the woman because that ain't how it works. 

*(Personally most important to me) Established consent. Have one of the characters ask their partner if what they're doing is okay. Have the other person answer, with a nod or physically answering. 

*For fun let's talk about consent. Consent is when both people are willing participants in the sex act going on. Now, as you all know. I'm not very kinky with my smut, but I support anything that two ADULTS do in the bedroom which includes BDSM even if I don't write or read it. 

*What qualifies as non-consensual, Stale? I'm glad you asked, Stale.  Everyone can be raped, okay? Men rape woman, men rape men, woman rape men, and woman rape woman. Things that are included in rape and shouldn't be written:

*If one person is drunk. Consent cannot be given. 

*If they say yes then no. A no is no even if they said yes. 

*If they are underage. Yes, that includes a seventeen year old with a twenty year old. As many of you noticed my Stiles' are always over eighteen or they aren't then Derek is the same age as Stiles. 

*I'm not going to get started on my options on pedophilia because I won't stop writing, but I will say that if you write or read pedophilia never talk to me. Report pedophilia on this website faster than you'd answer the door if Dylan O'Brien's car broke down outside your house. 

*I just need to add this. I'm an Education major which means I have taken several classes on children and child abuse. I have also have had friends who have been raped, some as children, and let me tell you it is not a kink. It is a life altering thing that never leaves someone, okay? I have seen how rape affects children, and I don't want to read shit about the child liking it. Because that is not how it, and it's wrong. 

*If you write about a character being raped, because it does happen in life I'm not trying to say that it doesn't, do not have them having sex a day later, okay? Most people don't have sex after being raped. 

*RAINN, Darkness to Light, and Safe Horizon are some hot lines for sexual assault in case anyone needs it. 

Avoid awkward words. These include:


*huge to describe a character's ass or penis in sex scenes. This is not awkward when describing the character in nonsexual scenes.

*Do NOT say something like "his 10 inch dick" numbers have no place in smut. To describe male genital use things like if they're thick, circumcised or not, things like that. If you have never personally seen what you're describing (no shame if that is the case and don't you let anyone else tell you there is) just don't describe it. 

*For some reasoning spelling come as cum annoys me, but that just a me thing. 

*Always tag it. Like, when I say it has mature content. Some people don't like smut. 

More things to remember as a reader: 

*when you comment, another person is reading what you wrote. You don't know their life, leave your nasty comments to yourselves. I mean that. 

*I don't care if they "right lik diz" don't leave rude comments to them. Some people write because it's fun, not to be professional writers.  

This has been writing tips with Stale Hale. Thank you all for all the reads, comments, and votes. I really appreciate it, and I look forward to writing more for you guys. To quote Harry Styles: All the love. 

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