Clairvoyance Isn't A Crime

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Derek jumps when Lydia slams a piece of paper on his desk, and he clenches his heart as he looks at her."Lyd, what the hell?" Derek snaps, and she gives him a red lipped smile as she moves to sit down in her seat next to him. Derek doesn't even look at the paper as he moves to shut his laptop down as he moves to look at her, and he sighs as he looks at the terrifying look of glee on Lydia's face. That look always leads to him getting shot or stabbed, really just hurt in some sort of way. "What is this, my sweet ginger queen?" Derek asks, batting his eyelashes at her making her flick his nose.

"Our next payday." Lydia tells him, turning towards him. Derek raises an eyebrow at her while he looks down at the picture of the young man that's looking at the camera with a vague sense of disinterest. "His name is Hezekiah"Stiles" Stilinski." She tells him, and Derek turns his head to look at him.

"Lydia. I am a bounty hunter. I go after murders and kidnappers. This guy doesn't look like he could open up a jar on his own." Derek says, and Lydia gives him a disinterested look while she reads over the page before Derek turnsvto look at her. "How much is he worth?" Derek asks, standing up to make himself some coffee.

"Fifty million." Lydia tells him, and Derek turns his head to look at her with wide eyes. They'd never gone after someone worth so much money, and he moves to walk towards her with a surprised look on his face.

"What is he? Werewolf? Coyote?Ugh, please tell me he is not a Kanima because I am not dealing with that. No amount of money is worth that." Derek says, and Lydia gives him a smile that Derek doesn't trust for one second. "Lydia."Derek sings, and Lydia looks at him with a gleeful look that makes Derek sigh to himself.

"Clairvoyant." Lydia tells him,and Derek looks at her in surprise.

"You want me to track down,capture, and turn in for money a psychic?" Derek asks, his tone heavy with sarcasm. Lydia smiles at him before nodding her head once,and Derek rolls his eyes as he moves to look at the paper. "He has to already know that I'm coming for him, Lydia. He'll get away or he'll be armed and ready when I show up." Derek tells her, and Lydia nods her head while she moves to sit down at her desk.

"He's young and naive. He probably doesn't know to focus on it. I bet you could capture him before he can even place your face." Lydia says, and Derek reads over the paper as he considered it. "All he did was steal minutes of dollars, evade arrest, and a mild case of assault." Lydia tells him, and Derek looks at her unimpressed while she throws his bag that she's already packed onto the ground in front of him with a dimpled smile. "Looks like you're already to go. Call me when you find him." Lydia says, sweetly.Not really sweetly, more of the 'I'm done talking and you're doing what I tell you now go away', and he sighs before grabbing his bag.

"I love you, Lydia." Derek calls, and Lydia flips him off but he hears her 'I love you too'.


Lydia sends Derek everything she knows about Stiles, which is just that he's barely out of his teens and can see the future, and Derek drives to where Stiles reportedly eats dinner every Saturday. It's a cross country drive, but he doesn't mind it anyways. Derek parks his car in the parking lot and he moves to walk into the seemingly empty dinner, and Derek walks into see that Stiles isn't in site. "Have you seen this man?" Derek asks, showing a picture of Stiles on his phone to the waitress.

"Oh, that's River! He just left."She tells him, and she looks behind him. "Red sports car." She says, pointing. Derek turns his head to see Stiles trying to start his car as he rubs his forehead, and Derek smirks as he turns towards her.

"Thank you." He tells him, and he moves to walk into the parking lot. He hears Stiles muttering to himself, he catches words like 'danger' and 'I was just getting comfortable here', and he moves to stand next to the car. "Stiles Stilinski?" Derek asks, and the young boy turns his head to look at him for a second before his eyes turn white and he starts shaking like he's having a seizure. Derek looks towards the diner, the waitress was the only one inside and she's in the back, and he moves to scoop Stiles up in his arms to carry the young man to his car."That was actually pretty ease." Derek mumbles, and he duct tapes Stiles' hands while he has a vision and he drives away towards Beacon Hills.

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